Page 43 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 43

The Tribulation
      Testament passages already considered, this New Testament
      revelation confirms the same major elements. The Tribulation
      is portrayed as dealing primarily with Israel, as being a time
      of unprecedented trouble, as beginning with signs that are so
      specific that they constitute a signal for those living in that day
      to flee to the mountains. As in the Old Testament, the Tribu­
      lation is seen as the forerunner of the second coming of Christ.
      According to Christ’s own teaching in Matthew 24:29-30, the
      Second Advent will “immediately” follow the Tribulation.
         Like all other passages on the Tribulation, there is no
      reference in this section of Matthew to the church. While the
      term “elect” is found in Matthew 24:22, 31, no mention is
      made of the church or of any other term that would identify
      the believers of that period as belonging to the present dispen­
          Further revelation is given on the subject of the Great
      Tribulation under the terminology of the “day of the Lord” in
      1  Thessalonians 5:1-11. The period is described as one in
      which sudden destruction will come upon those who walk in
      darkness whereas the “sons of the light” are informed that
      “God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salva­
      tion through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess. 5:9).
          Added light is thrown on the subject of the Tribulation in
      2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. Here the period is described as domi­
      nated by “the man of lawlessness” (v. 3); “the coming of the
      lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan dis­
      played in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders”
          The major Scripture portion in the New Testament on
      the Tribulation is the Book of Revelation, chapters 4-18. Fif­
      teen chapters of this book describe in the most graphic lan­
      guage possible the great catastrophic time of trouble that is
      ahead for the world. Any reasonably literal interpretation of
      this Scripture will sustain the point of view that the events
      herein described have never been fulfilled and comprise the
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