Page 39 - CSCF Document
P. 39
Officers with this competency use service skills to handle customer feedback and queries over
the phone & other channels within service standards. At the higher levels, officers manage the
operations of the service team, integrating systems, processes and resources to facilitate high
levels of frontline customer service.
Foundation Intermediate Advanced Leadership
Use telephone service Knowledge of the service Knowledge of how service Rationalise, review and
skills to handle customer delivery performance policies can be mapped to secure resources required
queries over the phone objectives and review centre operational plans across various channels, to
channel and respond to performance of individual and how they impact daily meet operational needs
feedback through all public PUBOne officers operations
feedback channels within Keep abreast with
service standards Manage a team to deliver Implement service delivery developments in contact
service in accordance with practices at the centre level centre industry
Identify and highlight gaps prescribed standards and
and areas of improvement targets (e.g. motivating Establish and drive
for systems and processes staff) consistent standards
across teams and covering
Manage physical amenities Recommend improvements teams
and assets to systems and processes
to increase staff Identify resources required
Extract contact centre data effectiveness for service operations
and statistics and prepare
reports Undertake manpower Plan the operations of
planning and deployment, a contact centre (e.g.
ensuring resources are fully resource management,
utilised budgeting, systems
and equipment, people
Monitor and conduct management, role clarity,
preliminary analysis on call emergency response
centre reports measures etc.)
Manage the operations Review and establish
of a service centre (e.g. systems and processes to
resource management, facilitate PUB One officers
budgeting, systems to provide high levels of
and equipment, people service
management, role clarity,
emergency response Scan the environment
measures etc.) and plan contact centre
Study and analyse contact
centre reports, finding
areas of opportunities for
enhancement of service