Page 34 - CSCF Document
P. 34
Officers with this competency develop a culture with a learning mindset, genuinely listening to ideas
from colleagues, employees and partners for improved service delivery. At the higher levels, officers
translate the service vision into the way officers are engaged, trained and recognised.
Foundation Intermediate Advanced Leadership
Support the facilitation Organise, design and Provide overall framework Influence key stakeholders
of board-wide and facilitate interventions to review, improve and to drive shifts in service
department service (e.g. conversations, standardise service awards culture across PUB
workshops and award workshops, events) to and recognition schemes
events to build service grow understanding across the board to Knowledge of change
culture and adoption of service motivate service staff management processes
philosophy and principles
Engage and collaborate Craft and deliver
Identify learning gaps and with internal stakeholders compelling messages to
relevant capability building (e.g. department QSMs) to communicate the service
solutions (e.g. training motivate service staff vision
competency framework,
training roadmaps) Lead change interventions Translate the service
(e.g. conversations, vision and message into
Identify service workshops, events etc.) initiatives to change and
improvement opportunities to build service culture shape service behaviours
(e.g. processes, working and advocate service
environment) philosophy and principles Create safety among
service leaders to discuss
Obtain buy-in from internal real issues and challenges
stakeholders to embrace and collectively agree
initiatives on guiding principles for
repeat cases.
Drive overall capability
building efforts (e.g.
learning and development
and change initiatives)