Page 33 - CSCF Document
P. 33


                               UPHOLD SERVICE QUALITY

                                           AND STANDARDS

              Officers with this competency develop, manage and uphold service quality standards as well
              as handle exception cases. At the higher levels, officers provide guidance for sensitive cases
                              and drive process improvement initiatives at a systemic level.

                Foundation                Intermediate                Advanced                  Leadership

             Knowledge of common        Set up process for         Knowledge of the concepts   Manage resolution of
             feedback and departments’   the allocation and        and steps of service      sensitive cases that have
             operations                 management of cases        process re-engineering    an impact at organisational
             Advise departments on      Track and investigate      Thoroughly investigate
             service KPIs, SOPs, SLAs and   complex cases that are not   lapses arising from   Develop the blue-print
             service recovery procedures  resolved within stipulated   complaints, appeals or   for quality management
                                        SLAs and determine         issues to identify systemic   framework at PUB level
             Handle customer feedback   underlying causes          issues and determine
             received through QSM                                  strategies to prevent future
             hotline and QSM mailbox,
             i.e. including managing    Vet and draft replies for   occurrences
             challenging and sensitive   complex cases that need to
             callers                    be fronted by QSM’s Office   Advise others (e.g. other
                                                                   departments) on how
             Draft proper replies in    Identify, map and share    to handle difficult or
             accordance to the service   with department QSMs      exceptional cases
             guidelines (e.g. action    appropriate actions to
             taken, contact officer) for   improve areas identified   Develop frameworks and
             feedback to be fronted by the   during dips in service   provide guidance for
             QSM office and for cross-  standard                   handling complex cases,
             departments or agencies                               including cases that require
             cases                      Put in place frameworks    co-ordination with external
                                        and guidelines to support   parties
             Gather necessary information   service staff in managing
             across different departments   challenging situations (e.g.   Measure customer
             and across agencies for    managing unreasonable      satisfaction (e.g. use of
             a consolidated reply to    customers and process for   post-closure customer
                                        disengagement)             satisfaction survey via
             Identify issues and alerts                            SMS)
             when cases are not closed   Vet reports and
             beyond the service standards   documentation on service   Develop strong
             and understand the reasons   quality KPIs for key     relationships with other
             for delay                  stakeholders               municipal agencies for
                                                                   efficient service solutioning
             Recognise where there is non-  Facilitate resolution of
             compliance with processes    complex cases that may
             and gap in quality of replies   require collaboration and
             and case documentation in   joint-solutioning across
             system (for audits)        departments or agencies
             Manage all feedback received   Establish and review
             through PUB or OneService   service measures for
             channels, to resolution and   quality standards and
             apply the clearance guideline   performance indicators
             for replies to different type of
             feedback (e.g. MP appeals,   with changing context,
             feedback from opposition   needs and expectation

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