Page 30 - CSCF Document
P. 30
Officers with this competency understand and implement PUB service strategies and policies.
At the higher levels, officers develop customer-focused strategies and garner peer support to
drive necessary change to create agency-wide impact.
Foundation Intermediate Advanced Leadership
Knowledge of the service Knowledge of the changes Knowledge of stakeholder Knowledge of PUB-wide
strategies and guidelines in the agency that impact sentiments concerning and WOG-level service
service and formulate policies and policy narratives and objectives
Suggest improvements for change management plans implementation
current service strategies Knowledge of the rationale
and guidelines in the Review policies, Knowledge of services and intent underlying
context of operation and identify and implement offered by other policies and schemes
customer needs enhancements to better government agencies that
meet customer and work closely with PUB and Advise policy makers on
operational needs their relevant policies downstream implications
of policy implementation
Work with central and Review and develop agency and impact to citizens
co-ordinating agencies level policies for service
(e.g. PSD, MSO and other Develop customer-focused
municipal agencies) to Work with internal strategies for long term
implement new service stakeholders to identify benefit and prioritise key
initiatives to deliver better opportunities for interventions
municipal services enhancement of policies
and services to meet future Translate relevant national
Propose and implement needs of the customer and sectoral policies
strategies to improve (e.g. from MSO) into
systems (e.g. internal Oversee implementation requirements for services
CRMS) and processes to and change plans for the
improve efficiency (e.g. new service initiatives or Drive leadership
migrating feedback to policy changes involvement, rally
digital channels) peers to support in the
Adapt the long term WOG transformation process and
service master plan (i.e. create agency-wide impact
Future of Service Delivery)
to PUB’s context Drive service
transformation in PUB
with respect to the WOG
context (e.g. co-creation
and co-delivery of services,
predictive and anticipatory
services, etc.)