Page 31 - CSCF Document
P. 31
Officers with this competency understand the need for customer segmentation and differentiated
service models to meet customers’ needs. At the higher levels, officers develop an environment
supporting service innovation that leads to enhanced customer experiences.
Foundation Intermediate Advanced Leadership
Knowledge of PUB’s Knowledge of the different Understand the key drivers Engineer service models to
different customer expectations of customer behind the sentiments, shape public opinion and
segments segments and gaps behaviour and satisfaction demands
in existing customer of different customer
Knowledge of the different experiences segments and able to Evaluate key drivers
expectations of customer explain customer strategies considered in shaping
segments that they serve Knowledge of how service for each of them customer behaviours in
models and customer each segment
experience design Identify key elements
improves efficiency of customer experience Develop an environment
and shapes customer design that drive and that encourages and
behaviours and mind-sets shapes customer nurtures innovative ideas
behaviours for service
Improve customer
experience at the various Apply customer journey Influence stakeholders
service touchpoints mapping to diagnose and to leverage digital
rectify gaps in service platforms and technology
Drive and implement models and processes to rationalise resources,
service initiatives to co-create solutions with
improve customer Set up and implement partners and customers
experience and satisfaction work procedures and
management practices that
support service innovation
Leverage on latest
technology or digital
platforms to implement
new channel strategies
based on unique and
future needs of customer
Identify opportunities from
customer insights and
create new ways to improve
customer satisfaction and
Scan the environment to
identify possibilities for
better service solutions or