Page 27 - CSCF Document
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                               PARTNER CUSTOMERS FOR

                                  LONGER TERM INTEREST

              Officers with this competency look beyond the immediate short term resolution of cases when
              they are serving customers. They act as a trusted partner, helping customers choose the best
              option for the present and future. At the higher levels, officers galvanise partnerships to create
                                             long-term benefits for customers.

                Foundation                Intermediate                 Advanced                  Leadership

             Engage customers by        Position self as a partner in   Leverage on capabilities   Put in place engagement
             providing information      addressing the customer’s   of partners to address the   strategies to educate
             or reasons to help them    concerns                   needs of customers         and shape customers’
             make decisions that are                                                          perspectives of PUB
             beneficial in the long term   Act as a trusted advisor   Instil mindset in officers to   as their partner (e.g.
             (e.g. share benefits from   (within policy limits) to   take education of partners   engagement sessions to
             upgrading works may cause   influence the customer’s   and customers as a first   get partners’ inputs on
             temporary inconvenience)   decision-making process    approach during service    upcoming initiatives)
             Highlight potential        Explain the reasons for                               Proactively gather support
             implications of the        various policies in place                             from other agencies,
             customer’s decisions and                                                         external parties and/or
             actions                                                                          community to create long-
                                                                                              term benefits for customers

                                                                                   CUSTOMER SERVICE COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK    |    24
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