Page 23 - CSCF Document
P. 23
Officers with this competency are able to firmly but tactfully stand their ground in the face of
unreasonable requests and assertive customers. At the higher levels, officers act to safeguard
the interests of PUB and our accountability to the public.
Foundation Intermediate Advanced Leadership
Say “No” diplomatically Act on suspicions and Support staff’s decisions Set principles and rules
and know when to escalate stand up to unreasonable on the ground (including of engagement which are
the case requests (e.g. those that limits for disengagement) aligned to PUB’s service
are trying to take advantage and align approach to culture and limits
Sense when there is of the system) handling difficult cases
dishonesty in the case or across branch or division Act to protect the interest
when information is not Guide staff on strategies to of the staff and PUB’s
fully disclosed respond to unreasonable Take steps to address root accountability to the public
requests or assertive causes and reduce repeat
Is not intimidated by customers cases Take proactive steps to
confrontation address systemic policy or
Stand firm when staff is not Manage tensions process gaps
Maintain a consistent in the wrong objectively between
stand when dealing with different groups (e.g. Support staff when they are
repeated unreasonable Use situational judgment neighbourly disputes) right, even when faced with
requests when deciding between while conveying PUB’s external pressures
following SOP and professional stand
according flexibility
Identify underlying issues
that result in repeat cases