Page 19 - CSCF Document
P. 19
Officers with this competency have a good understanding of processes and procedures (e.g.
SOPs, KPIs) and drive necessary changes to improve productivity and efficiency of service
delivery. At the higher levels, officers scan the environment for preventive and pre-emptive
solutions for service improvements.
Foundation Intermediate Advanced Leadership
Knowledge of frequently Knowledge of the Knowledge of the latest Integrate service
asked questions and processes for handling developments and new systems, processes, and
typical complaints, etc. and exceptions and escalated practices for service technologies in a whole
how to address them cases delivery as well as the of business approach
context surrounding them (e.g. provide leadership to
Knowledge of the standard Manage partners (e.g. build IT systems to enable
operating procedures (SOP) contractors) and across Knowledge of methods officers to easily retrieve
for service delivery and teams to ensure work is to increase productivity information and plans in
case escalation completed in a timely and efficiency in service times of crisis)
manner delivery
Knowledge of roles and Provide clarity on roles,
responsibilities within Implement improvements Identify and recommend responsibilities and
team or department to to processes and resources, systems, mission of the department
direct cases or feedback to procedures to increase platforms to meet evolving
appropriate action party productivity and efficiency needs Explore latest technologies,
of service delivery (e.g. industry best practices
Use CRM systems or reduce customer waiting Put in place guidelines to and trends (e.g. shifts in
software platforms within time by streamlining help staff with complex demographics) to take
own area of work processes, standardisation, cases preventive and pre-emptive
re-deploying resources etc.) measures for service
Provide advice or Champion reviews in SOPs improvement
information about the Review SOPs and to improve effectiveness in
different policies and guidelines and propose any overall processes Identify the analytics
services offered by PUB changes, where necessary resources required to
to improve service delivery Collaborate across teams address operations
Understand customer to rationalise resources problem statements to
requests and deliver Provide advice, information required for service delivery enhance service delivery
service outcomes through and explanations about (e.g. PUBOne working with
communication channels: different products and Operation Centres) Develop different customer
services and the policy strategies for each
1. (Face to Face) Project a
professional image intent behind them Ensure operational KPIs customer segment by
targets are met systematically collecting
2. (Telephone) Apply Monitor operational KPIs and analysing their
correct phone etiquettes feedback
3. (Emails) Write using
a customer-oriented Establish operational KPIs
approach and targets