Page 21 - CSCF Document
P. 21
Officers with this competency display professionalism under pressure, applying strategies to
reframe and disengage from unpleasant encounters. At the higher levels, officers actively put
in place support mechanisms to help others build mental and emotional toughness.
Foundation Intermediate Advanced Leadership
Keep calm during stressful Use coping strategies to Put in place a supportive Create a climate to help
situations manage stress in high culture to help staff staff manage stress (e.g.
tension situations (e.g. within team recover from establish dis-engagement
Disengage emotionally incidents with social media unpleasant encounters policies)
from unpleasant or mainstream media
encounters to move on coverage) Provide advice and Build a safe environment
after each episode coaching to staff to help for leaders and staff to
Provide support to staff in them cope with negative share and learn from
Reframe negative managing their emotions emotions and build mistakes
interactions to avoid taking confidence in handling
things personally Empower and assure similar cases in future Put in place systems and
staff of support to make processes to build and
decisions (e.g. in grey Create platforms within sustain resilience in staff
areas, difficult customer branch or division to share (e.g. scheduled time outs
situations) within experiences and lessons for staff to recompose)
guidelines learnt from handling
complex or difficult Create formal or informal
customer situations platforms for officers
across divisions to share
case studies on complex
or difficult customer
situations to build staff
knowledge and confidence
to handle similar cases
in future, and provide
rationale for how cases are