Page 25 - CSCF Document
P. 25


                                 WORK COLLABORATIVELY

                                     WITH STAKEHOLDERS

              Officers with this competency do not allow boundaries to limit their ability to solve problems for
              customers. They are able to work closely with fellow PUB officers across different departments,
              and form networks across agencies to achieve shared goals and outcomes for customers. At
              the higher levels, officers build a collaborative culture where staff will see themselves as part
                                               of a larger service value chain.

                Foundation                Intermediate                 Advanced                  Leadership

             Work collaboratively with   Motivate staff to work    Establish relationships with   Proactively create, maintain
             internal departments,      collaboratively with internal   a range of stakeholders   and promote a strong
             partners and other         and external stakeholders   and actively involve      network of connections
             agencies to resolve        to meet customer’s needs   them to secure mutually    with colleagues across
             complex queries                                       beneficial outcomes        PUB, wider WOG and with
                                        Proactively seek                                      stakeholders to create
             Prevent recurring issues   information, resources     Manage inter-agency        long-term benefits for
             through peer sharing or    and support from others    tensions, arising from inter-  customers
             collaboration              outside own immediate      agency coordination issues
                                        team in order to help      on the ground              Identify areas where
                                        achieve results                                       partnerships can be
                                                                   Proactively work with      leveraged to complement
                                        Build networks with        partners to manage         skills of workforce (e.g.
                                        relevant external          customer’s expectations of   PROs complement ground
                                        stakeholders (e.g.         PUB’s work upstream        engineers’ technical skills)
                                        contractors, grassroots
                                        advisors, Town Councils,   Spot issues with impact    View vendors as key
                                        Licensed Plumbers          to PUB that require        partners and engage
                                        and other government       collaboration within the   them to improve service
                                        agencies) to resolve       organisation to resolve    satisfaction (e.g. holding
                                        customer’s queries that    (e.g. provide coordinated   regular sessions to share
                                        require multi-stakeholder   reply)                    best practices)
                                        efforts or inputs
                                                                                              Drive and contribute
                                                                                              (e.g. effort, time) to WOG
                                                                                              outcomes, even if PUB is
                                                                                              not the clear owner of an
                                                                                              Build an collaborative
                                                                                              culture where staff will
                                                                                              see themselves as part
                                                                                              of a larger service value
                                                                                              chain, leading to customer

                                                                                   CUSTOMER SERVICE COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK    |    22
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