Page 17 - CSCF Document
P. 17


                        TAKE CUSTOMER’S PERSPECTIVE

                                       TO RESOLVE ISSUES

              Officers with this competency see things from customers’ perspectives and understand their
              situation. At the higher levels, officers influence others to focus on the perspectives of customers
                               and create solutions that impact service at the systems level.

                Foundation                Intermediate                 Advanced                  Leadership

             Interpret the customer’s   Knowledge of customers’    Motivate and influence     Knowledge of the latest
             body language and tone of   concerns based on recent   officers to understand the   developments in service
             voice                      trends of customer queries   customer’s needs         related innovations and
                                                                                              create processes that
             Identify with the customer’s   Find alternative ways to   Provide guidance for   enable identification of
             feelings and situation and   resolve problems that do   complex escalated        customer’s future needs
             display empathy            not fit into the norm      enquiries                  and expectations

             Articulate the customer’s   See complaints as         Have awareness and         Influence the organisation
             needs and perspective      opportunities to make      understanding of situations   to consider the service
                                        things better for the      of high complexity or      impact of strategic
             Identify the root cause of   customer and turn the    uncertainty that have the   decisions (e.g. new service
             the customer’s concerns as   customer into a PUB      potential to escalate further  models, policies or new
             well as customer’s needs   advocate                                              initiatives) on customers
                                                                   Able to vet sensitive
             Act to do things better to   Be objective, be aware of   or complex replies to   Work with others outside
             exceed the customer’s      own biases and reframe     escalated queries (e.g.    PUB (e.g. other agencies,
             expectations               own perspectives when      dealing with claims or     activists) to create new
                                        interacting with customers   waivers)                 solutions and services to
             Handle difficult (e.g. angry,                                                    meet customers’ needs
             emotional or aggressive)   Relate with customers,     Create new service
             customer situations        understand their           experience concepts        Set the service tone for
             tactfully and defuse       underlying needs/          or introduce concepts      department culture
             hostility                  expectations and deliver   or practices to improve
                                        customised service beyond   current ways of delivering   Cascade service ethos
             Provide alternatives if we   their immediate request   service                   and values to the entire
             are unable to accede to a                                                        department through
             customer’s request where   Connect and integrate                                 various efforts, (e.g.
             possible.                  different pieces of                                   training and discussions
                                        information to provide                                around real issues or
             Communicate simply to the   advice and solutions to                              cases)
             customer without using     more complicated cases
             technical jargons
                                        Identify situations where
             Keep customers informed    service recovery is required
             on the progress of the case   or where appropriate
             and follow through with
             their requests

                                                                                   CUSTOMER SERVICE COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK    |    14
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