Page 14 - Hunar
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HUnar : defining element of growth

                                                                Basic  and  Advance  Level  Training  on
                                                                PLC,  Servo  and  HMI  at  Fuji  Electric
                                                                India  Pvt.  Ltd.,  Faridabad  Training
                                                                Mr.  Sumit  (Subject  Matter  Expert)  and  Mr.
                                                                Pankaj  Kumar  (Lecturer)  visited  M/s  Fuji
                                                                Electric  India  Pvt.  Ltd.,  Faridabad  (Haryana)
                                                                based  North  Sales  Office and  training  Centre
                                                                to attend 03 days comprehensive Training on
                                                                basic  and  advance  level  functions  of  PLC,
                                                                HMI  and  Servo.  They  have  a  very  well-
                                                                equipped training centre at this location apart
                                                                from  having  sales  office  and  panel-building
                                                                Facility of their associate group company i.e.
               Workshop on PLC Training                         M/s Fuji Gemco India Pvt. Ltd.
               Workshop was conducted from 23  rd  M ay 2019
               to  29   May  2019  with  an  objective  to  make
               students  acquainted  with  the  conceptual  as
               well  as  practical  knowledge  of  Relay  Logic
               &Programmable Logic Controller. The idea of
               organizing this workshop was to inculcate the
               basic fundamentals of Relay Logic & PLC and
               provide  them  with  a  platform  to  work  on,  in
               Resource  Person:  Priya  Khanduja,  Project
               Engineer, Vishal Saini, Lab Instructor CCAE.

                                                                Workshop  cum  Exhibition  on  Energy
                                                                Efficient  Building  Materials/Products
                                                                for implementation of Punjab ECBC
                                                                Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA)
                                                                organized  a  workshop  cum  exhibition  on
                                                                Energy  Efficient  Building  Materials/Products
                                                                for  the  implementation  of  Punjab  ECBC
                                                                (Energy Conservation Building Code) on 31
                                                                May  2019  at  their  Chandigarh  based  office.
                                                                Mr.  Sumit  Kumar  and  B.  Tech-Electrical
                                                                Engineering,  5   semester  students  attended
                                                                this  event  to  gain  knowledge  on  energy

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