Page 13 - March Newsletter
P. 13
In September’s log we looked at the lack In this log we look at the next generation
of correct labelling within the market- of smart phone accessory, the Wireless
place for the fi dget spinner which due Charger & the Qi (pronounced Chee)
to their child appealing nature and toy certifi cation
like characteristics must comply with Toy
(Safety) Regulations and with that be
properly marked with a CE mark.
Wireless chargers - 2018 is going to Product Safety - But as soon as we talk
How to know a product is Qi w to know a product is Qi
see the rise of wireless chargers as the tech and electrics we must consider Ho
Certifi ed?
technology for charging devices reaches Product Safety and despite the fact Certifi ed?
the market, in particular but not limited we live in the UK and know the product
to smartphones, without plugging them safety rules & regulations are the highest Always look for the Qi logo, only Qi ays look for the Qi logo, only Qi
into cables. standards in the world, that does not Certifi ed products can legally use the Qi
Certifi ed products can legally use the Qi
mean that non-compliant, potentially logo, but such a marking can easily be
logo, but such a marking can easily be
The next big thing - These base chargers dangerous product is not going to be added to a product or packaging.
added to a product or packaging.
are going to be the next Executive available in the market.
Business Gift, from the humble USB in To make sure a product has been tested
To make sure a product has been tested
the early noughties, which became Know what you are buying - Shopping properly before receiving the Qi logo it is
properly before receiving the Qi logo it is
aff ordable and a great tech giveaway, around and looking for the best price possible to look the product up in the Qi
possible to look the product up in the Qi
the mass adoption of the smartphone has is of course the buyers role, but we Certifi ed Product Database, all products
Certifi ed Product Database, all products
taken us through compatible accessories must educate ourselves as to what we are listed by brand, product name and
are listed by brand, product name and
such as headphones, speakers, power are buying and the Wireless Charging type number.
type number.
banks and now the Wireless Charger as product category already looks set to
brandable tech Business Gifts. promote confusion. Or be
Or better you can ask your vendor to tter you can ask your vendor to
provide you with their product’s Qi
provide you with their product’s Qi
Prime marketing real estate - Really Beware of fake, knock-off wireless Certifi cate of Registration.
Certifi cate of Registration.
useful & desirable with great print charging products and risks
areas for marketers to promote their Non certifi ed imitation products A valid Qi certifi cate has the URL printed
brands on prime marketing real estate Cheaper, lower quality, products may pose risks: on the certifi cate that takes you to a
that far exceeds any other advert, be unsafe and of course can have page on the Wireless Power Consortium’s
this is marketing on your prospect and detrimental impact on your brand. Safety risks due to overheating web site where the details of the product
customers’ desks and even bedside can be checked & confi rmed.
tables! Testing conducted in independent labs
This may be scaremongering, and there found temperatures reaching 96°C /
will be plenty of product on the market 205°F when a metal ‘foreign object’ was
that is safe but belt & braces will be present, a temperature that could cause
products that show the Qi mark, and it injury such as 3rd degree skin burns.
is important for customers to be aware
what that mark means and how to check Risk of device damage
its authenticity.
Overheating drains and shortens battery
life. Temperatures above 200 F can melt
Qi phone cases and potentially damage
Products using the Qi standard must be surfaces in contact with an uncertifi ed
tested rigorously to help ensure safety, charger or a uncertifi ed smartphone
interoperability and energy effi ciency. cover or case
Only products that have passed these
independent laboratory tests can legally Risk of incompatibility
The Qi logo (pronounced Chee) use the Qi logo and are considered
“Qi Certifi ed.” Uncertifi ed products may not work
with other wireless charging products.
Be cautious of claims of “Qi compliant,” Wireless charging products can include
“Qi compatible” or “Works with Qi,” as both chargers, but also receivers such
these may indicate a product has not as smartphone covers, remembering of
undergone Qi certifi cation testing. course we are charging our £800 iphone
or Samsung smartphones, as a business
gift it might be wise to brand the tested
rather than cheaper charger.
SPROMO - 12 - MARCH 18 SPROMO - 13 - MARCH 18