Page 10 - March Newsletter
P. 10

Elliott’s won a Global                                                                                                                          Elliott Hawkins

         Competition…                                                                                                                                    Graphic Designer at Sussex Promotions
                                                                                                                                                         “As a Graphic Designer how can I use my skills to educate people on
                                                                                                                                     Pantone Reference:
                                                                                                                                     165c                their daily cappuccino?”

         Yes,  incredible  story,  Elliott  Hawkins   origin, production and worse the people   A simple tap of your mobile device to the
         our in-house Graphic Designer who    involved.                            coff ee packaging opens up an interactive
         graduated from the University of South                                    page  allowing customers to explore in-
         Wales in 2016 before joining Sussex   As we are currently witnessing with   depth information about their specifi c
         Promotions in the autumn has won a   the public’s attention turned towards   batch of coff ee such as producers,
         Global  competition  with  the  graphics   plastic waste, often what is perceived as   farmers, region, altitude, processing and
         software company Adobe.              ignorance to an issue is sometimes just a   supporting images. All of which help to
                                              lack of understanding.               further educate the users whilst aiding as
         Elliott entered a competition with Adobe                                  a strong brand resource and marketing
         where they were looking for Graphic   Let’s be honest here, we know more   feature.
         Designers to utilise their newest design   about celebrity babies and aff airs than
         platform to create an Impactful Project,   we do about the origin of the food and
         interpreting that brief was pretty vague!  drink we consume on a daily basis.

         Elliott  has  a  passion  for  coff ee!  Both   As a Graphic Designer how can I use my
         drinking, sitting in cafe’s, using the café   skills to educate people on their daily
         environment in his design briefs but   cappuccino?
         above all the sustainability of the coff ee
         supply chain and with this in mind Elliott   Using Adobe’s newest platform, I set out
         set about presenting a pitch showcasing   to create a coff ee brand named “Origin”,
         a traceability concept for coff ee using   Origin  would have  transparency  at the
         creative design & technology.        heart its Identity.

         Here’s Elliott’s story:              Using some design and code knowledge,
                                              I created a wireless interaction between
         It’s the second most tradable commodity   the coff ee bean packaging and the user’s
         in the world, it has our nation addicted to   mobile device using NFC technology,
         its taste, eff ect and culture yet most of us   similar to what’s found in your contactless
         have little to no understanding of its  card payments.

                                                     SPROMO - 10 - MARCH 18                                                                                               SPROMO - 11 - MARCH 18
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