Page 6 - March Newsletter
P. 6

10 WAYS                              We’ve highlighted waste in our two Newsletters from 2017 and its good to see that       “There is no such thing as
                                              plastic is getting more & more media coverage and there is no hiding place for any of
         TO REDUCE                            us, plastic is defi nitely entering the consciousness of us all.                  away, when we throw anything

                                              China is now refusing to accept the UK’s plastic waste where 2.7m tonnes has been
         OUR PLASTIC                          exported since 2012 so the UK is either going to have to address its own recycling
                                              options or better prevent the waste in the fi rst place!
         WASTE THIS                           To prevent the waste consumers are going to have to make some big changes to our   away it must go somewhere”

                                              normal routines, but much of this is like muscle memory in sports, we just subconsciously
         YEAR                                 repeat the same old actions, with better conscious thought over waste we can make   - Annie Leonard
                                              diff erent decisions and in turn chose plastic free alternatives.

                                                                                   Plastic Bags:  this was the fi rst target for
                                                                                   raising public awareness and of course a 5p
                                                                                   charge has helped make signifi cant change,
                                                                                   but a reduction of over 80% goes to show what
                                                                                   can be achieved through conscious change.

                                                                                   Toiletries: in a family of four I have no idea
                                                                                   how many shower gel & shampoo plastic
                                                                                   bottles we use, but I’m guessing a shower
                                                                                   gel rarely lasts longer than a week. That’s 50
                                                                                   shower gel  bottles every  year just from  one
                                                                                   household! We are looking at mail-order re-
                                                                                   fi lls, , and the family is trialling
                                                                                   soap & shower gel alternatives to cut down on

                                                                                   Cling Film:  miles and miles and miles of cling
                                                                                   fi lm ends up in landfi ll, so before wrapping that
                                                                                   plate with cling-fi lm we need to consider re-
                                                                                   useable containers with lids.

                                                                                   Coff ee  Take-Away: as we’ve highlighted
                                                                                   before if we take positive proactive action to
                                                                                   avoid having to accept a single use coff ee
                                                                                   cup then some of the 2.5 billion paper cups
                                                                                   currently sent to landfi ll can be avoided, there
                                                                                   are many re-useable coff ee cups alternatives
                                                                                   coming online both within the promotional
                                                                                   market sector and retail.

                                                                                   Water Bottles: as with coff ee cups, there are
                                                                                   all manner of re-useable drinking bottles and
                                                                                   fl asks that keep drinks hot & cold for hours that
                                                                                   negate the need for buying water in a store,
                                                                                   if saving waste isn’t your motivator, maybe
                                                                                   saving money is! www.refi

                                              Pack Lunches:  a change in behaviour   Milk Containers: Plastic milk containers sold
                                              requires a positive action, all convenience   through supermarkets lead to the demise
                                              lunches bought from the high street store will   of the milkman delivering glass pint bottles,
         Food Packaging:  while we’re in the shops   involve packaging, sandwich wrap, pasta in   collecting, cleaning, reusing and delivering….
         the packaging of our foods is generating   plastic punnets, drinks in plastic. A pack lunch   will we see the milk fl oat and milk man returning
         plastic waste that must be stopped. Apples   however is going to better for you, and better   to our streets as we battle the plastic waste
         & Bananas & virtually every other fruit &   for the planet but requires planning ahead   war?
         vegetable doesn’t need plastic bagging or   and washing up after!
         wrapping! Eventually the shops will be forced
         to change but equally we can choose the                                   Straws: the US use enough straws every single
         local greengrocer (if we have one available to   Plastic Cutlery: is a single use item leading   day to wrap around the earth’s circumference
         us) where everything is sold loose, or try to only   to  immediate waste,  it’s  either  convenient  or   2.5 times every day! It’s a single use, plastic
         buy the loose fruit & veg in our supermarkets.   avoids washing up, either way we need to   convenience item that makes drinking a little
         The supermarkets will quickly react to what the   plan better, or carry cutlery or a re-useable   easier! But 5 minutes later it is rubbish that will   www.refi
         customer is buying.                  plastic spork and stop this needless waste.  take forever to disappear. Hold the Straw!  A useful app for fi nding places off ering free tap   The milkman is making a come back and he   Don’t recycle, instead refi ll all those toiletry and
                                                                                                                                 water to fi ll your reusable water bottle.  delivers so much more now than just GLASS   cleaning bottles with mail order sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                      reusable milk bottles                refi lls.

                                                    SPROMO - 6 - MARCH 18
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