Page 3 - March Newsletter
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                                                              The Year of The   BitCoin and Brexit? There’s two
                                                              Dog in Chinese    predictions well above my Pay Grade!
                                           2018 Culture,  the dog
                                            is considered a lucky animal by Chinese   In merchandise we see more & more retail
                                            people, the owner of a house will be   inspired products & themes which are
                                            pleased to adopt a stray dog which   ever  improving the  quality  & creativity
                                            suddenly runs into his house as it indicates   of promotional products. New materials
                                            good luck and fortune is coming.    such as copper and cork are growing
                                                                                in popularity. Co-branding with retail
                                            What will 2018 mean for all of us?   brands such as Nike, Moleskine, Contigo,
                                                                                Fare further raises product quality and
                                            Well the story on plastic waste which   desirability of business gifts. Tech just
                                            we began writing about in Spring 2017   continues to evolve with smartphone
                                            is gathering pace and is certainly   accessories, connectivity, and charging
                                            becoming mainstream. Just as Bags   solutions  and  as  millennials  start
                                            4  Life  helped  replace  carrier  bags  so   becoming  decision  makers  within  the
                                            we see the same thing happening with   workplace their desire for wellbeing,
                                            #Bottles 4 Life and #Mugs 4 Life, through   eco and wearable items improves these
                                            SME & Corporate clients branding these   ranges and quality year on year.
                                            promo items the adoption process is so
                                            much quicker than waiting for consumers   I hope you enjoy this edition of the
                                            to buy their own one by one.        Captain’s Log, any feedback is

                                                                                All the best,
                                                                                AKA Captain Merchandise

       04              Wake up and smell the waste:                               Wake up and smell the waste
                       Calling all caff eine lovers: it’s time to wake
                                                                                  -  Page 04
                       up and smell the waste...
                                                                                  Calling all caff eine lovers: it’s time
                                                                                  to wake up and smell the waste...
       08              New Product Showcase: Following
                       trade shows in January & February here’s
                       some of the new products that caught the
                       team’s eye.
       10              Elliott’s Award: Elliott our in-house                 What’s Inside

                       Graphic Designer was short-listed in a
                       global competition….then he went & won it!
       12              Understanding Compliance: It’s not

                       sexy but it’s important to be aware & ask
                       the right questions of your suppliers.

       18              Team Spotlight:  From working on the

                       lifeboats to swimming miles, and planting
                       trees the team is as busy outside of work as
                       they are at work!

 Throughout the industry retail inspired merchandise & clothing seems to be the theme,
 from product design, quality & decoration options the game is changing.

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