Page 4 - March Newsletter
P. 4

YOUR MARKETING                                                          UNIVERSAL MUG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                (MADE IN THE UK)
                                                                                                                                CAN MAKE A

                                                               LIFE EXPECTANCY
                                                               2 YEARS                                                          DIFFERENCE

                          LIFE EXPECTANCY
                          5 MINS

                                                                                     The Universal (Made in the UK)
                                                                            Versatile, lightweight, reusable, durable, large
                                                                            print area and lots of colour options available.

         Wake up and

         smell the waste

         Through  2017  The   Captain’s  Log  Greenpeace’s Ocean  Watch the  public   there is a product solution  for every                                                                                                                Colours Available for Lids, Slides and bodies.
         highlighted the trending news stories   awareness of the problems stemming   occasion and every customer avatar.
         stemming from waste and how the      from single use coffee cups and water
         promotional  product  industry  had  bottles has increased significantly.  For every bottle or mug your company
         solutions that with the help of SME                                       distributes to customers or prospects,                                                                                                             Mix & Match
         & Corporate clients can help deliver   Useful products which when decorated   you might change the habit that sends
         solutions to the problem.            with a message and given to customers   200+ single use coffee cups and plastic                                                                                                            -
                                              & prospects make for incredibly powerful   drinks bottles to landfill by the average uk
         Just as the sale of Cotton Shopper Bags   marketing tools.                consumer per annum.
         & Bags for Life helped change behaviours
         and lead to a reduction in Plastic Bag   Reuseable  Drinkware  is now  the  must
         usage by 80%, so too could  reusable   have  promotional  business gift and  the
         drinkware help tackle the problem of   industry is certainly reacting by providing
         single use coffee cups & plastic drink   a range of product for all tastes, budgets,   For every re-usable mug that saves 1
         bottles.                             colour schemes, and uses.
                                                                                   disposable coffee cup p/day = 200
         Through high profile campaigns from   For the gym, the commute by train or the   cups a year.
         Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s War on   commute by car, the office, the long walk                                                 Universal (Full Colour)
         Waste, through to David Attenborough’s   in the country, sat on the beach, hiking &   Your order of 1000 Mugs =                  -
         Blue Planet, Sky &                   camping….                            200,000 Coffee cups saved a year.
                                                                                                                                          All Universal products are BPA free, microwave & top rack dishwasher safe (See page 20 for more information)

                                                    SPROMO - 4 - MARCH 18                                                                                                  SPROMO - 5 - MARCH 18
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