Page 3 - English Grammar and Composition-Student Textbook short
P. 3

English Composition and Grammar
                                                     By Paula Tibesar, B.A., M.A.

                                                              Study Section 1:  Articles

               1.1 Connect

                         God’s work is all about communication. We communicate our passion for the gospel through speech
                         and the written word, and we communicate our love for others through our actions. Therefore, we can
                         never take effective communication for granted. God’s word is a unique written document meant for
                         us to read and study and savor. It is preserved as a written document because, in its true form, it
                         represents God’s unchanging message for us.

              Aren’t you glad that God wants to communicate with us?  The Bible that He walked with Adam in the Garden of
              Eden and that they had rich fellowship daily.  But sin shattered that relationship and communication broke down.
              But God continued to talk with mankind through direct communication or through His prophets.  God wrote down
              what He wanted us to know.  And then He sent His son who was Emmanuel, “God with us.”  God certainly has made
              it plain that He wants to have a relationship with us through communication.  You need to develop your
              communication skills to enhance your ability to relate to God and others.  That’s the purpose of this course…

               1.2 Introduction

                        The following excerpt is from a message written by John Piper on the importance of writing:
                        …I think it is wrong not to want to influence people when you write. Paul said, “Let all that you do be done
                        in love” (1 Corinthians 16:14), and he said, “Do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). So, when we
                        are writing, either we are loving people, or we are not — we should be seeking to love people. And we are
                        either seeking to glorify God or we are not — we should be seeking to glorify God.
                        And I think the way you love people is by influencing them, persuading them, winning them, awakening
                      them to delight in God above all things. This means that whenever you write, you should be writing in such a
                      way as to make God look better than anything else in the world, to make the path of sin look worse than
                      anything else in the world, and to make the path of righteousness look beautiful in spite of all the difficulties
                      that the path of obedience might bring.

                      So whether you are writing fiction or whether you are writing a blog or a poem or a book, or a theological
                      treatise, it seems to me that love and the glory of God dictate that you cannot be indifferent to whether you
                      want people to be affected by your writing. You want them to think true thoughts about God and life, and
                      you want them to feel appropriate affections for God and about sin and life. And therefore, writing is simply
                      an extension of living, and all of life is to be lived in love for people and for the glory of God (Piper 2013).

              So we learn to write clearly and effectively in hopes that our work for God’s kingdom will have the very best effect.
              My experience has been that good writing is never easy but always yields a satisfying result. I have endeavored to
              choose content I’ve judged to be most useful considering the structure of Bantu languages. Let’s begin the hard
              work of improving our writing.

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