Page 6 - English Grammar and Composition-Student Textbook short
P. 6

Practice 1: Using Correct Articles

              Insert the correct articles in the blanks. If no article is needed, mark an X in the blank.  Use the rules in
              your notes to help you.

                  1.  Please pass                      bacon.

                  2.  I am going to                      market.
                  3.  Every ship in the ocean is surrounded by                      water.

                  4.  We had                      rats in the attic of our house.
                  5.  After secondary school, I took                      big step of applying to college.

                  6.  The fear of the Lord is                      beginning of wisdom.
                  7.  To raise spiritual leaders and good citizens for                      future generation in Zambia, we need God’s


                  8.                       time limit has been placed on the football practice.
                  9.  We were happy to be surrounded by                      nature.

                  10. You’ve made                      great progress.

                  11. I heard you have                      plan for going forward.
                  12. This is                      only charcoal I could find.

                  13. Michael is                      best player on the team.

                  14.                      cats were roaming around the cabins all night.

                  15. I need to find                      doctor.
                  16. I like to avoid                      mosquitos.

                  17. This is my                      day to go to the bus stop.

                  18.                      Fish get their oxygen from the water.

                  19. We go to                      same church.
                  20. He speaks                      French very well.

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11