Page 41 - English Grammar and Composition-Student Textbook short
P. 41

Practice 10A:  Prepositions in a Story

              Use the word bank below to complete the story. Use each preposition only once. This will force you to
              find the absolute BEST choice for each blank.

               in             past           since          through       toward         near
               throughout     under          into           of            on             during
               across         beside         beneath        with          inside         to
               at             for            around         after         beyond         against

                      Charles had severe problems with allergies. This season in particular, he was having a lot of trouble

              them. He kept on sneezing                              the tissue he carried                             his hand wherever he went. One

              day he had to sneeze three times while he was walking                             the street. His mom decided to take him

              the doctor.

                      Dr. Smith asked Charles to sit                             the stool                             the table.                               the

              appointment, Dr. Smith talked to Charles and examined him. He tested the skin                             Charles’s arm to see

              if it changed color. He made one row of pin pricks, then he made another row                             the first row. He

              looked closely for a reaction                             the pricks on Charles’s skin.                              he was done, he told

              Charles and his mom that Charles was allergic to a flowering tree that was common                             their area. He

              gave Charles a prescription medication to try.

                      Charles used to eat his lunch while sitting outside                             that same flowering tree. It was just right

              for him to lean against. However, he realized he could not do that anymore. Ever since he saw Dr. Smith, Charles

              spent more time                             the house until the tree was not flowering. Then his allergies did not bother him as


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