Page 43 - English Grammar and Composition-Student Textbook short
P. 43

Study Section 11:  Variation in Writing

              11.1 Connect

                       The strength of writing depends upon the way it is constructed. Variation in the length and structure of
                       sentences makes all the difference.  Adding sentence variety puts the emphasis upon what is being said
                       instead of the way a passage is written. If each sentence opens with the same word, the writer calls
                       undue attention to that one word. Sentence after sentence of the same length will be monotonous. Short
                       sentences call attention to important points. Longer sentences work well when there are several details to

              11.2 Ways to add variety to writing

                     *Change the way each sentence opens.

                     When each sentence in a paragraph starts with the same or similar words, it will be monotonous for the
                     reader. Common words like this, the, these, it, or I can be especially distracting. Below is an example of this
                     type of writing.

              I am going to work in the field. I need to do some weeding so that the corn plants can thrive. I have to do this today
              because I have a very busy week. I hope nothing comes up to prevent me from accomplishing this goal.

              Possible revision:
              Today my plan is to work in the field. The weeds have been growing taller than the corn plants and are overtaking
              them. This will be an extremely busy week for my family, so I hope nothing will prevent me from accomplishing my

              *Change the flow by alternating long and short sentences.

              If every sentence in a passage is of a similar length, the writing will seem robotic. Shorter related sentences can be
              combined. Simple sentences can be used to emphasize more important elements of the paragraph.

              The Bible is a long book. Actually it is 66 separate books. These books were written in different time periods. They
              were written by many different authors. They were written on different continents. All of these books in some way
              tell the story of God’s plan for people. All the books never contradict each other. They all come together in

              Possible revision:
              At first glance, the Bible seems like a very long book. However, it is actually 66 separate books written on different
              continents by different authors in different time periods. This makes it all the more amazing that the content of
              these books never contradict each other. They all come together in harmony to tell the story of God’s great plan of
              redemption for humanity.

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