Page 106 - Principles for Discipling Others-Student textbook
P. 106

5. Patience                    Ps .27:14, Ps. 37:34, Heb. 10:36, James 1:2-4, I Pet. 2:20
               6. Humility                    I Sam. 2:3, Mt. 20:26-27, Rom. 12:3, Phil. 2:3-4, I Pet. 5:5-6
               7. Self-control                James 1:19-20         II Tim. 2:24 (AMP)
               8. Stewardship                 Ps. 112:5, Luke 12:47-48, Heb. 13:17
               9. Purity                      Job 17:9, Prov. 16:8, II Cor. 7:1, Phil. 3:9,  Prov. 26:18-19 RSV
               10. Unity                      I Cor. 12:12-13, I Cor. 12:26-27, Eph. 4:3-6, Rom. 12:5 (AMP), Amos
                                              3:3,  Prov. 16:7
               11. Good Works                 Eph. 2:10, Phil. 4:8, Tit. 2:7-8, Tit. 3:8, Micah 6:8,  Prov. 3:27
               12. Sincerity                  Phil. 1:10-11
               13. Truth                      Eph. 4:25, III Jn. 4
               14. Enthusiasm (Zeal)          I Cor. 14:12, Gal. 4:8
               15. Contentment                Job 1:21, Phil. 2:14-15, Phil. 4:11-12, I Tim. 6:6-8
               16. Stability                  Ps .1:1-3, Ps. 15:4-5, Ps. 37:31, Ps. 55:22, Jer. 17:7-8, II Pet. 1:1, Ps.
               17. Hospitality                I Tim. 3:2, Philemon 18, I Pet. 4:9
               18. Burden Bearing

               VII. GOD
               1. His Love                    Jer. 24:7, Jer. 31:3, John 16:27, I Jn. 4:10
               2. His Glory                   Jer. 9:23-24
               3. His Power (Omnipotence)     Ps. 147:5, Jer. 32:17, Zeph. 3:17
               4. His Wisdom & Discernment    Deut. 29:29, Ps. 139:1-3, Ps. 139:4-6, Rom. 11:33-35, Prov. 15:11
               5. His Riches                  Ps. 104:24
               6. His Mercy (Longsuffering)      Num. 14:18, Jer. 29:13
               7. His Sovereignty (Election)      Deut. 4:39, Job 42:2, Ps. 75:6,7, Prov. 21:1, Is. 42:8, Gen. 50:20
               8. The Creator                 Neh. 9:6, Rom. 11:36, Rev. 4:11, Ps. 95:5
               9. His Justice (Righteousness)   Prov. 8:13, Neh. 9:33
               10. His Faithfulness           II Chr. 6:14, Ps. 37:25, Ps. 89:33, 34, Lam. 3:22,23, I Cor. 1:9
                                              Ps. 94:4, I Sam. 12:22, Num. 23:19
               11. Eternal (Immutability)     II Pet. 3:8
               12. Omnipresence               Ps 139:7-10, Prov. 15:3
               13. His Source of Pleasure     Ps 27:8, Ps 147:10-11

               VIII. HUMAN
               1. Wisdom                          Eccl. 12:12-13, Mt. 10:16, Luke 16:8
                                                  I Cor. 1:18-20, Prov. 14:12, Prov. 13:20, Judges 21:25, Eccl. 1:18
                                                  Job 38:2, Prov. 17:28
               2. Diligence                       Eccl. 9:10, Song of Sol. 1:6
               3. Flexibility                     I K. 18:21, I Chr. 12:2, Ps. 78:41, Is. 40:6-8
               4. Insignificance                  Ps. 8:3-4, Ps. 39:3, 4
               5. Mouth                           Ps. 39:1-3, Ps. 120:2, Prov. 15:1, Eph. 4:29, Eccl. 7:21-22, Ps.
               6. Pride                            Prov. 13:10, Prov. 26:12, Obad.3:4, Prov. 16:5, Jer. 48:11, Ez.
               7. Rebuke                           Ps. 55:12-13, Prov. 17:10
               8. Belief                           James 2:19

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