Page 103 - Principles for Discipling Others-Student textbook
P. 103

Appendix B:  Radin’s Topical Bible Memory Outline
                                        (Based on the Navigators’ Topical Memory System
                                          The Navigators – Colorado Springs, Colorado)

               Ps. 1:1-3 “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of
               sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight shall be in the law of the Lord and in that
               law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters, that
               bringeth forth his fruit in his season. His leaf doth not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”

               God’s Word promises special blessings to those who choose their associates carefully and who meditate
               in the Word of God.  One of the best ways to promote meditation on the Word of God is to memorize it.
               The Navigators’  Topical  Memory System is a great start  to  memorizing  the Word  of God.  Since
               becoming acquainted with it, I have  memorized  many verses and have  expanded upon its outline.
               Below I provide my outline and list the verses I have learned by each topic.  There are still verses that I
               would like to memorize (verses that have “popped out” as I have been reading the Word of God).  These
               verses I have listed in italics beside their associated topics. I encourage anyone who wants a closer walk
               with God to seriously begin a pattern of Bible memory in their lives.

               I. CHRISTIAN LIFE, THE
               1. Life in Christ              Jn. 6:56,57, Gal. 5:25, Gal. 6:14, Col. 2:6, Col. 2:9,10, II Cor. 5:17
                                              I Cor. 8:6, Luke 24:32, Jn. 10:9-10, Eph.2:21, 22 , Rom. 13:14, Mt.
                                              10:24, 25
               2. Christ the Center           Jn. 15:1,2, II Cor. 3:5, II Cor. 3:18, Gal. 2:20, Phil. 1:6, Jn. 15:5
                                              Ps. 84:5-6, Eph. 3:17-19, Ps. 73:25-26, Col. 1:27
               3. Word                        Luke 10:38,39, Acts 17:11, Col. 3:1,  II Tim. 2:15, Ps. 119:9-11, Ps.
                                              119:17-18, Ps.119:105 , Mt. 4:4
                                              Luke 10:40-42, Jn. 6:63, II Tim. 3:16-17, Jer. 23:29, I Pet. 1:25, Ps.
                                              119:8, Ps.119:89, I Pet. 2:1,2 Deut. 8:3, Rom. 15:4, Jn. 15:3, Ps. 119:97,
                                              Acts 20:32, Ps. 119:133, Prov. 7:1-3
               4. Prayer                      I Sam. 12:23, Is. 59:1,2, Jer.33:3,  Mt. 21:22, Lk.18:1, Jn.15:7, Jn. 16.24,
                                              I Jn5:14-15 Job 16:21, Lam. 2:9, Dan. 10:12 Eph. 6:18-19,  I Th. 1:2-3,
                                              Mt. 7:7-11, Mt. 25:41, Ps. 55:17, Ps. 38:18
               5. Obedience                   I Sam. 15:22, Is. 1:19, Jn. 14:21, Jn. 15:10, 14, Phil. 2:12-13, Heb. 5:8,
                                              James 1:22
               6. Witnessing                  Ps. 2:8, Ps. 107:2, Ps. 126:5,6, Joel 3:13,14, Acts 1:8, Acts 26:16, I Pet.
                                              3:15, I Jn1:3   Eccl. 11:3, Eccl. 11:4, Eccl. 11:2, Eccl. 11:1, Eccl. 11:5,
                                              Eccl. 11:6, Jer. 48:10
               7. Giving                      I Chr.29:9, Prov.11:24-25, II Cor.8:5, II Cor.9:6,7, Luke 6:38, Prov. 3:9-
                                              10, Prov.21:13
               8. Discipleship                 Luke 14:33, Phil. 3:7, 8

               II. GOSPEL
               1. Fact of Sin                 James 2:10, Rom. 3:9-11, Rom. 3:23, Eccl. 7:20, Luke 6:45, Ps. 38:3,
                                              Jer. 17:9, Gen. 6:5
               2. Penalty of Sin              Jn. 12:48, II Thess.1:8-9, Rom. 6:23
               3. Penalty Paid by Christ      Tit. 2:14, Heb. 2:9

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