Page 99 - Principles for Discipling Others-Student textbook
P. 99
IV. Purpose for Creation of Man
A. For God’s glory – Is 43:7
1. Gen 1 – God saw that it was good
2. Illustration of the guilds: a master is known by his works.
B. Fellowship – I Cor. 1:9 & Rev. 4:11
1. Gen 3:8 – Man had fellowship with God in the Garden of Eden….no one can have
Fellowship with a robot. God sought fellowship with Adam and Eve
2. God gave Adam responsibility
a. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was there for a test
(Illustration of cherry pie: must have an opportunity to show your love)
V. God’s Law and the Tree
A. 3 Types of laws
1. Physical Laws – acceleration due to gravity = 32 ft/sec/sec
2. Social Laws – In US we drive on the right side of the street or stop for a red light
3. Spiritual Laws – this is the least well-known of all laws (honoring God, etc.)
B. Effect of Laws
1. Every person is subject to a law whether he is familiar with it or not
2. Ignorance is not an excuse for the violation of any law
(Illustrations: We must obey the law of gravity…you can’t jump off the cliff and
hope to bounce!
Police stops you for running a red light…you get a ticket! Same with God’s Laws
C. God’s Law – Adam & Eve were not to eat of the tree…because God said so!
1. It was simply an opportunity for expression of love
2. Obedience is a manifestation of love (Jn. 14:15,21)
3. Obedience results in happiness (Jn 13:17)
VI. Breaking God’s Law
A. Satan – is the villain of the story
1. The Woman – knew the law (Gen. 3:2,3)
B. Eating the fruit appeared delightful
1. Physically – Gen 3:6 …..It was good for food
2. Socially – Gen 3:5…..made one wise…..but not spiritual. They rejected the spiritual!
3. Spiritual death resulted
VII. Fruits throughout the Ages
A. They were spiritually dead
If you plant tomatoes, what will you get? Adam & Eve produced spiritually dead sons &
B. This is what has come down through the ages….men and women who are dead spiritually
Gal. 6:7,8 and Rom 5:12
VIII. Our Relation to God now
A. If we are spiritually dead we need to become spiritually alive…to be “born again”
B. Go into John, chapter 3……………..