Page 108 - Principles for Discipling Others-Student textbook
P. 108

11. Goals                 Ps. 61:8, Acts 26:18,  I Cor. 9:25, Phil. 3:10-11 (Amp), Acts 22:14-15,
                                              Neh. 5:16,
                                              Ps. 20:4(Rsv)
                    12. Man to Man            Prov. 15:22, Prov. 27:17
                    13. Bringing Problems into Open   Prov. 25:9, Mt. 18:15
                    14. Physical Workout      I Cor. 9:26-27, I Tim. 4:7-8

                    XIV.  MINISTRY
                      1. Faithful             Prov. 25:19, I Cor. 4:2, Lam. 4:9, Neh. 4:6 (Bkly)
                      2. Preparation (of Heart)   Gal. 6:7-8
                      3. Use Others           I Cor. 12: 21-22
                      4. Exhortation          Prov. 15; 5, Heb. 3:13
                      5. Use the Word         Amos 3:8
                      6. Responsibility       I Th. 3:8
                      7. Avoid Error          Gen. 33:13, Acts 24:16, I Cor. 8:9
                      8. Manner of Presentation   Col. 3:17, I Th. 5:19-22, I Tim. 4:12
                                              I Cor. 9:2, Acts 24:16. I Th. 2:10, I Cor. 1:17, I Cor. 14:8, I Th. 2:7, Rom.

                      XV.  DOCTRINE
                      1. Position in Christ   Rom. 8:38, 39
                      2. Law & Freedom        Rom. 6:12-13, Gal. 3:24, Gal. 1:5, Gal. 3:11
                      3. Atonement (Sacrifice)   Lev. 17:11
                      4. Trinity              I Thess. 5:23
                      5. Justification by Faith   Hab. 2:4, Rom. 5:1-2
                      6. Eternity             Rev. 1:8
                      7. Resurrection         Ps.17:15

                      XVI.  INSTITUTIONS
                      1. Local Church         Ps. 122:1
                      2. Baptism              Acts 2:38
                   3. Marriage                 Mk. 10:6-9, Eph. 5:22-24, Eph. 5:25-27, Eph. 5:28-30, Eph.

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