Page 42 - Principles for Discipling Others-Student textbook
P. 42
Sunday morning congregation of the average Protestant church in our land would range between one-
third and one-sixth of what the church calls its membership. THIS IS THE FUNDAMENTAL WEAKNESS OF
The Sunday Morning Congregation is a fair measure of the people’s interest in spiritual things. If we are
faithful, we are helping to build Christ’s kingdom. If we are indifferent, we are hurting it.
Going as an Act of Worship, in other words, our motive for going is what is important. Going to church
is an act of conscience toward God. It is an obligation to Christ. The “going” is more important than who
we may see or what we may hear. It implies that we will try to be “on time;” that we will leave the back
seat for late-comers; that we will not settle ourselves at the end of the pew, so that others will have to
climb over us; that we will be quiet, courteous, reverent, attentive and sympathetic…and that cell
phones will not be miss-used.
Excuses and Reasons for Not Attending Church Most of these are weak and frivolous. “I don’t feel like
it.” “I don’t see the need for it.” “I would rather sleep.” I would rather lie around a watch church on TV.”
“I would rather go out driving.” “I would rather play golf.” “I am a poetic soul, and at church time I
would rather go out in the woods and commune with the birds and the brooks and the flowers.” All of
these excuses add up to one word, INDIFFERENCE! These are the kind of church
members that Christ will “spew out of His mouth.” (Rev. 3:16)
How to Get the People to do it? Declare going to church as the basis of WORSHIP
and Work AT IT. Teach regularly that it is a Christian’s duty to God to be at church
if possible on a Sunday Morning. Then conduct the service as if it were a
WORSHIP service. Give God’s Word its proper place. Let the Congregation have
part. Let the Congregation sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs in praise to
God. [Excerpted from Halley’s Handbook]
The worship service is the greatest blessing a community can have. It is not possible to exaggerate its
importance! Therefore, it is incumbent on those who conduct it to make it the most helpful and
interesting and beautiful that it is possible to make it.
---One hour should be long enough for most services….20 minutes for congregational singing…20
minutes for the sermon….and 20 minutes for prayers, offering, and announcements.
---The two most important features are Congregational Singing and Instruction in God’s Word!
---Congregational Singing: Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs … “Speaking to yourselves
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”
(Eph. 5:19 and Col. 3:16). Sing at least one Psalm in a service. Hymns should be a major focus in the
singing on a Sunday morning. If contemporary songs are used they should be of superior
quality….be Scriptural…be easy to sing…use words that teach doctrine. They should not use inane
repetitious phrases…should not have an over-powering beat.
----The Pastoral Prayer….for the needs of the church, the needs of our missionaries on the various
fields of the world…for the sick, suffering, and bereaved, and the various ministries of the church.