Page 92 - Principles for Discipling Others-Student textbook
P. 92

Joe: Perfect

               Christian: Are you perfect or imperfect?
               Joe: Imperfect.

               Christian: So if you entered heaven the way you are you would spoil heaven…it wouldn’t be perfect any
               more, right?
               Joe: Right.

               Christian: Well, did you know that Christ can make you perfect?
               Joe: No

               I. YOU ARE A SINNER…..

               Christian: Joe, you are imperfect because you were born…..everyone was born imperfect. Would you
               read what the Bible says here in Romans 3:23? [Here you open your Bible to Romans 3:23 and ask Joe to
               read the verse.]
               Joe: “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God…

               Christian: What is the first word of that verse?
               Joe: All

               Christian:  Yes, “All!”  That means you, Joe, and me…..and everyone!  Everyone who has ever lived has
               sinned and is therefore imperfect!  Another verse, Romans 3:10 says almost the same thing.  Here, read
               Joe: “As it is written, “There is none righteous, no, not one.”

               Christian: And there are lots of other verses in the Bible that say the same thing…..that we are all sinners.
               And because we are sinners, unless we can find a way to heaven, we will be forever separated from God.
               Read Romans 6:23…
               Joe: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

               Christian: God loves us and wants us to go to heaven to be with Him, so He made a way to make us
               perfect.  He sent us His Son, Jesus Christ, who was perfect, to sacrifice Himself for us.  Here, read John
               Joe: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him
               should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

               Christian: What kind of life?
               Joe: Everlasting.

               Christian: That’s right….life that will never end….everlasting life in heaven with God!  And we can have it
               by trusting (believing) in Christ and receiving Him as our Savior.  Here, read John 1:12:
               Joe: “But to as many as received Him to them gave He the power to become the sons of God.”

               Christian: What do we need to do to become a child of God?
               Joe:  Receive Christ.

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