Page 139 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 139

2.   Lack of Excitement about the topic.

               Your attitude about life is infectious.  Those around you will respond to
               your enthusiasm about a cause and will even join with you to help.  But a
               person who has a discouraged and depressed attitude about life
               discourages others around them.  “They just want to eat worms and

               How you approach a subject and your excitement to teach that
               information to your congregation will transfer to them, creating a desire
               for them to learn.  But the opposite is also true.  If you lack enthusiasm
               and present the information as just that --- Bible stuff to learn --- then
               the congregation will not only find the information boring but will even
               resist learning or applying it.

               The motivation for this lack of enthusiasm boils down to selfishness on the part of the preacher.  Since
               he is not excited about the subject, then no one else will be.  That preacher is willing to let his
               congregation suffer because he doesn’t care for the topic at hand.  He has forgotten that he is a
               SERVANT of the congregation and has lost his motivation to see them excel.  Rather, he has become self-

                So if you want to be a lousy pastor, treat your topic as boring.  I guarantee your congregation will
               respond in like manner.

               3.  Lack of good communication skills.

                                                        I used to have a math teacher who had a lot of
                                                        communication “ticks.”  The one that drove the entire class
                                                        crazy was this:  she would face the chalk board and teach
                                                        something, then say, “How many understand?”  We would
                                                        raise our hands.  But she never turned around from the
                                                        chalk board to see if any of us raised our hands to inform
                                                        her we understood.  She did this several times a class
                                                        period over an entire year! After a while, students quit
                                                        raising their hands and started making funny faces at
                                                        her….but she never turned around to see.

                                                        This teacher has poor communication skills.  If a preacher
                                                        does not work on improving his presentation to the
                                                        congregation, this normally is what will happen.  A pastor is
                                                        a poor communicator when he does not properly illustrate
                                                        concepts and talk over the heads of his congregation,
               leaving them not understanding the content.  A preacher has poor communication skills when they use
               the same teaching methods weekly (lecture) and never makes an effort to modify their presentations.
               Their skills are poor when they wander off the subject matter and walk down rabbit trails.  They
               demonstrate poor skills when their presentation is monotone, and the congregation are bored out of
               their minds.   They reveal their poor skills by covering too much material at one time.  This is called

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