Page 136 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 136
18.4 Let’s Practice…
1-3. People are visually-oriented: _______ % of information transmitted to our brain is visual,
presentations with visuals are _______ % more persuasive, and ________ % of us are visual
4. In what ways would adding audio or visual aids enhance a sermon?
5. What happens to the congregation after about 25 minutes of a lectured sermon?
6. What can a pastor do to bring the congregation’s full attention throughout his sermon?
7. What must a pastor do in understanding the attention spans of his audience?
8-10. List three suggestions offered that will enhance the presentation of Biblical information duringa
18.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: If you are preaching a sermon soon, make up some sort of audio-visual aid for your
sermon. It could be a chart, or a PowerPoint presentation, or an object lesson of some sort.
Incorporate some of the ideas we have shared with you. Take what you have learned in this
lesson to make an appropriate appeal to the viewers that matches the topic and thrust of your