Page 99 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 99

Final Homiletical Outline

                         Just as trials and tribulations were no strangers to the recipients of James’ letter, they are no
                         strangers to us today. Life comes at us hard and often leaves us battered, bruised, and
                         looking for answers. What we need today is what these believers needed then – wisdom
                         from God. To be specific, we need wisdom from His Word (cf.Ja.1:5). Most would say we
                         have it because we hear it all the time. Why then are so many of our lives still such a mess?
                         Perhaps the answer lies not in our exposure to God’s Word, but in our response to it.

                         Transition with Key Word:
                         Our text today gives us two ways in which struggling believers like us are to respond to the
                         wisdom of God’s Word. The first is…

                         I.  Don’t just keep hearing it.

                            A.  This is understanding without action.

                            B.  At the most you will simply survive.

                         Transition with Key Word:
                         Our text today gives us two ways in which struggling believers like us are to respond to the
                         wisdom of God’s Word. The first is don’t just keep hearing it. The second is…

                         II.  Commit yourself to doing it.

                            A.  This is understanding with action.

                            B.  In the least you will absolutely thrive.

                         What is James saying in this text? You’ve got problems? God has answers! Don’t risk your
                         spiritual health or that of your family simply on your exposure to the truth or your knowledge
                         of the truth alone. Respond to the wisdom of God’s Word with faithful obedience!

               To repeat, living biblical truth is about responding to God’s Word with obedience. If we as preachers and
               teachers are not committed to this, we will lose credibility with those to whom we seek to minister.
               There is nothing worse than a communicator of God’s truth who consistently fails to practice what he

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