Page 94 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 94

(a)  He experiences blessing because of his activity.
                              (b)  This implies that his activity is worthwhile and fulfilling.

                       5.  Significance

                          a.  Summarization of the Author’s Message

                              In this passage James is writing to struggling believers who were encountering various
                              trials and temptations. In the midst of these trials and temptations he urged them to
                              look to God for the wisdom they would need either to endure suffering or to resist their
                              desire to sin. While this wisdom could be found in God’s Word, James indicated that it
                              wouldn’t be enough for them to simply understand God’s truth; they would also need to
                              live it. Only then would they find joy, even in the midst of their difficulties.

                          b.  Organization of the Author’s Main Thoughts

                              James, writing to struggling believers who were encountering various trials and
                              temptations, encouraged them to consider their response to the wisdom of God’s Word.

                              (1)  James indicated that they were not to respond simply as hearers.

                                 (a)  Hearers understand but do nothing.
                                 (b)  There is absolutely no value in that.

                              (2)  James indicated that they were to respond consistently as doers.

                                 (a)  Doers understand and do something.
                                 (b)  There is absolutely great value in that.

                          c.  Single Statement of the Main Idea

                              (1)  Subject =
                                 How these struggling believers were to respond to the wisdom of God’s

                              (2)  Complement =
                                 They were not to respond simply as hearers, but also as consistent doers.

                              (3)  Single Statement =

                                 These struggling believers were to respond to the wisdom of God’s
                                 Word not simply as hearers, but also as consistent doers.

                   C.  Application

                       Recall that application answers the question, “How does it work?”

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