Page 90 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 90
Based on context, the best choice is forget with the sense of failing to recall.
Used with the imagery of the mirror there seems to be no emphasis at this
particular point on the failure of the man to do something. The imagery is
merely illustrative of the man failing to recall what he saw.
i. manner (hopoios / hop-oy-os): Adjective
(1) what sort of – kind
Being the only option, kind is the best choice.
j. looketh (parakupto / par-ak-oop-to): Verb – aorist act participle
(1) bend over – bend over or stoop down to look into
(2) look into – to look into something by stooping down
(3) desire to learn – to make considerable effort in order to find out
Based on context and this term’s use with the preposition that follows, the
best choice is look into with the emphasis being on investigating rather than
that of stooping down.
k. perfect (teleios / tel-i-os): Adjective
(1) perfect – not lacking any moral quality
(2) genuine – truly and completely genuine
(3) perfect – without physical defect
(4) complete – fully accomplished or finished
(5) mature – grown up in behavior
(6) adult – an adult human being
(7) initiated – granted entrance into a community of faith
Based on context, the best choice is perfect/genuine, descriptive terms
illustrating the nature of God’s Word as truly and completely genuine and not
lacking in any moral quality. The other terms do not make sense in the
l. law (nomos / nom-os): Noun – masculine singular
(1) law – a formalized rule describing what people must do
(2) the Law – the first five books of the Old Testament
(3) the scriptures – the sacred writings
The best choice seems to be law in the sense of a formalized rule describing
what people must do. The law described here in context seems to be that
determined not just by part of the scriptures, but rather by all of the