Page 86 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 86
Using sound principles and methods of hermeneutics and applying the basic skills we’ve acquired to
formulate sermons for a preaching or teaching setting, let’s move from the text to the sermon by
exegeting this passage and expositing it to our own hearts. As we do, may we be more convinced
than ever that God wants us to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. Let’s give this concept a
try as we prepare a sermon from James 1:22-25.
I. Exegesis based on good principles and methods of hermeneutics
A. Observation
Recall that observation answers the question, “What do I see?”
Applying skills of observation that were learned in your study of hermeneutics, carefully
examine the details of this text, making note of what you see. Do not concern yourself at this
point with determining what it means. Simply observe. In doing so, you might see some things
that have always been there, but that you haven’t noticed before.
Observation of James 1:22-25