Page 82 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 82

                         It is not for us as followers of Jesus to know when He will establish His kingdom on earth. He
                         has, however, given specific instruction for what we should be doing while He is gone.

                         What we as followers of Jesus should be doing…

                         I.  We should be gaining in confidence.
                         Wouldn’t it be nice if Jesus came back today? With all the upheaval in this world, it sure
                           would be great to have Jesus here in person, ruling and reigning in His kingdom on earth. Of
                            A.  God’s Spirit has indwelled us.
                            B.  God’s Spirt has empowered us.
                           course, it is not for us as followers of Jesus to know when that will happen. Until it does,
                           we’re simply to follow His instruction for what we should be doing while He is gone.
                         II.  We should be active in working.

                            A.  We should testify in all places.
                           Transition with Key Word:
                            B.  We should testify to all people.
                           Our text today gives us two things we should be doing while Jesus is gone. First…

                         I.  We should be gaining in confidence.
                         …gaining in confidence

                            A.  God’s Spirit has indwelled us.
                         …active in working
                            B.  God’s Spirt has empowered us.

                         Homiletical Proposition:
                         Transition with Key Word:
                         We as followers of Jesus should be gaining in confidence and active in working.
                         Our text today gives us two things we should be doing while Jesus is gone. First, we should be
                           gaining in confidence. Second…

                         II.  We should be active in working.
                            A.  We should testify in all places.
                            B.  We should testify to all people.

                         As much as we would love for Jesus to be here now, there’s much to be done until He
                         returns. With His Spirit in us and empowering us, we ought to be sharing the good news of
                         Jesus in all places to all people. Be a confident worker for Christ!

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