Page 80 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 80
Study Section 12: Putting it all Together - continued
12.1 Connect
Let’s continue working on our sermon…..
12.3 Putting it All Together - continued
II. Exposition based on good skills of homiletics and pedagogy
A. Exegetical Outline
Remember, with this step of the outlining process, you are exegeting the passage. This
outline accurately reflects what you discovered through your study of the text. It will
communicate in summary form what God was saying through the human author to the
people of his day.
Having recently risen from the dead, Jesus was questioned by His disciples on if He was then
going to restore the kingdom to Israel. In some of His last words before returning to heaven,
Jesus shared that this was not for them to know. He did, however, have something very
important for them to do after He was gone.
What these followers of Jesus were to do…
I. Jesus said they were first to wait.
A. God’s Spirit would indwell them.
B. God’s Spirt would empower them.
II. Jesus said they were then to work.
A. They were to testify in all places.
B. They were to testify to all people.
…first wait
…then work
Exegetical Proposition:
Jesus told His disciples that they were first to wait, then work.