Page 76 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 76

(b)  Jesus indicates in verse 8 of chapter1 that the Holy Ghost will come upon them.

                                 (c)  Luke describes the Holy Ghost filling Jesus’ followers in verse 4 of chapter 2.

                              (4)  This signifies that the Holy Ghost will arrive and make contact with Jesus’ followers.

                                 (a)  The aorist tense of the verb ‘is come’ indicates an event which at that point will
                                     have happened.

                                 (b)  The verb ‘is come’ carries the meaning of arriving after having moved toward or
                                     onto someone or something.

                                 (c)  The preposition ‘upon’ carries the meaning of ‘onto’ with the implication of
                                     making contact.

                                 (d)  Jesus promised in John 14 that the Holy Spirit would come to His followers.

                                 (e)  The New Testament speaks in Romans 8:9 of the indwelling presence of the
                                     Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.

                                 (f)  Luke records in Acts 2 the details of the Holy Spirit indwelling the followers of

                          c.  and you shall be [possess the characteristic of] witnesses [those who testify] unto me…

                              (1)  This signifies that Jesus’ followers will become witnesses.

                                 (a)  The verb ‘shall be’ is in the future tense, indicating future time.

                                 (b)  The verb ‘shall be’ carries the meaning of possessing the characteristic of

                                 (c)  The noun ‘witnesses’ describes the characteristic that will be possessed.

                              (2)  This signifies that Jesus’ followers will testify of Jesus.

                                 (a)  The text uses the structure ‘my witnesses’.

                                 (b)  The pronoun ‘me/my’ is referring to Jesus, the one speaking.

                                 (c)  The followers of Jesus did speak much of what they had seen and heard about
                                     Jesus (cf.Acts).

                              (3)  This signifies that acquiring ability will enable Jesus’ followers to be witnesses.

                                 (a)  Jesus’ followers do not become witnesses until after the Holy Ghost comes upon

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