Page 71 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 71

(3)  Acts 2 gives details of the Holy Spirit indwelling believers for the first time.

                          e.  shall be (eimi / i-mee): Verb – future indicative 2  person plural

                              This word is used in the sense of be (possessing certain characteristics). Reasons for
                              concluding that this word is used in this way are as follows:

                              (1)  The noun that follows describes the characteristic that is possessed.

                              (2)  The context of the passage does not favor any of the other usages of the word.

                          f.  witnesses (martus / mar-toos): Noun – masculine plural

                              This word is used in the sense of witness. Reasons for concluding that this word is
                              used in this way are as follows:

                              (1)  The apostles did testify to what they had seen and heard.

                              (2)  While some apostles were deprived of life as a result of their belief, not all were.

                          g.  Both (te / teh): particle

                              This word is used in the sense of both…and. Reasons for concluding that this word is
                              used in this way are as follows:

                              (1)  The particle (te) does appear with (kai) in a series.

                              (2)  The apostles’ ministry was not exclusive to one area at a time.
                          h.  uttermost part (eschatos / es-ca-tos): Adjective – masculine singular

                              This word is used in the sense of final. Reasons for concluding that this word is used
                              in this way are as follows:

                              (1)  Final in this sense carries the idea of furthest from the first, or remote. In this
                                 series of locations and as the apostles’ ministered there was a progression from
                                 locations that were near (Jerusalem) to locations that were far (Rome).

                              (2)  The apostles’ ministry extended as far as Rome, the then known world.

                              (3)  If least important is chosen, it undoubtedly would be a reference to people
                                 rather than a location, which would break the sequence of locations in the

                              (4)  In Jesus’ eyes, none are more important than others.

                          i.  earth (ge / ghay): Noun – feminine singular

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