Page 72 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 72
This word is used in the sense of earth. Reasons for concluding that this word is
used in this way are as follows:
(1) This word is in a list of other geographical locations.
(2) The context implies something more than land and dirt.
(3) Earth is all-encompassing while region is not.
4. Translation
But you [apostles] shall receive [acquire] power [ability to perform an activity] after that
the Holy Ghost [member of the Trinity] is come [has arrived] upon [onto] you [apostles]:
and you shall be [possess the characteristic of] witnesses [those who testify] unto me
both [totality] in Jerusalem [Jewish Capital], and in Judea [locations surrounding the
Jewish Capital], and in Samaria [locations beyond Judea], and unto the uttermost part
[final or remotest area] of the earth [planet].
Mechanics of Expository Preaching - Exposition from Luke 16
10.4 Let’s Practice…
1-2. Good exegesis and hermeneutics leads to good _________ and good ________.
3. What question does good observation ask?