Page 77 - Bibliology - Textbook w videos short
P. 77
11.4 Let’s Practice…
1. What is the first great challenge a translator much deal with when translating from one
language to another language?
2. Describe the great debate in translating one language to another.
3. Looking at Ephesians 1:3-14, how can you tell which approach a translator took?
4. What is the phrase the guides the translator in translating the Bible.
5. New Testament ancient documents were written on
6. What is the greatest challenge when it comes to writing a Bible on the material listed in questions 5?
7. What was a better material that would last longer on which to write on?
8. For the first 800 years, the copies were called and there were no spaces
between the words.
9. In the 9 century, copies changed to be organized by words, spaces, and even verse numbers. What
were these copies called?
10. What are the differences between manuscripts called?
11.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: Let’s play a game. Get as many of your family members together and have them sit
around in a room next to each other. Explain that each person is going to receive a message that
will be whispered in one ear. Then the person is to repeat the message by whispering it to the
next person, and so on. This is the message:
“Athanasius Zobelich found a small shell in a pond that smelled like sulfur, so he called the shell,
“Sulfuritis” and took it to his mother-in-law named, Nevaeh and she threw it into a dark, damp piece of
That’s just one sentence. Keep passing the sentence around until the last person hears it. Then have
that person say it out loud. See how close it is to the original sentence.
Now you know the challenge that the translators have had through the ages to preserve the Bible so
that your copy is as close to exact to the originals as possible.