Page 4 - Christ and Culture Textbook
P. 4

would our approach to social issues change? Every Christian is called to live, talk, move, think and
               behave like Christ. Christ obeyed God the Father in midst of the Ungodly Leaders. Christ did not pick or
               chose which social issues to contest in culture and which to concede. Jesus did not do what was most
               comfortable or least costly—for him. Remember that Christ confronts and corrects unbiblical Culture. In
               following paragraph, we are going to define Culture.

               Defining culture (cultural):
               Culture is the sum total of the beliefs, patterns of behavior, and sets of interpersonal relations of any
               group of people. A culture is passed on from one generation to another but undergoes development or
               gradual change.

               Culture is what people
               1.      Say
               2.      Believe
               3.      Think
               4.      Wear
               5.      Eat
               6.      Make

               Culture is how people look and behave in a place at a particular time.

               Culture also involves Language, lifestyle (customs/practices/philosophy) and physical appearance.
                   A.  The integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the
                       capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations
                   B.  The customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group also:
                       the characteristic features of everyday existence (as diversions or a way of life} shared by people
                       in a place or time.
                   C.  The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or
                   D.  The set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or
                       societal characteristic.
                       Therefore, Culture is a learned system or set of beliefs, behavior patterns, ideas, values and
                       Culture practices and customs are not sacred and may be biblical or non-biblical
                       And Cultural practices and customs do change and vary from place to place. Culture Can and
                       may change.
                       Mk. 7:1-3
                       Eph 2:1-10
                       Eph 5:1-11

               Principle of the Bible and the Message of the Gospel are
                     True
                     Timeless
                     Trans culture
                     Never changing.
               Patterns of belief and Methods of Living are
                     Traditional
                     Time-bound

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