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      POA1B may be in the rear-view mirror but the top teams in the South Texas Region are showing why stepping on the gas early and not looking back is driving success in 2021. Take dynamic duo LaToya Hall and Monique Blaylock, nicknamed “Fresh Princesses of Bellaire.” The new partners took a fresh perspective into their new territory all the way to the top of the Rybelsus Rally. “... We chose the (Socrates) quote ‘The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new’ to describe our mindset. “ And did it ever pay off. LaToya and Monique go into POA 2A as champions thanks to a unified focus.
“ We made Rybelsus a priority from the beginning and made full Rybelsus launch calls during every lunch/snack appointment because we did not know who was and was not familiar with the product,” Monique said. Samara Reed and Paul Gomez had a similar winning strategy working the Medical Center in H-Town. They finished as the number one team in volume goal attainment on the final POA 1B IC tracker. “The goals are nothing we can control, but we can control how we respond. As a pod, we decided early on to stick to our game plan, stay focused and grind. Similar to other pods in the region, our game plan includes focusing on providers we can impact and have tailored messaging based on Connex and our interactions.” Nowhere in the nation is Rybelsus skyrocketing like the Coastal Bend District.
Led by Adrian Rodriguez, “Los Cazadores” blasted off to nearly 5500 Trxs for Rybelsus, with two teams (McAllen & Mission) joining the Rybelsus 100 club and two others flirting with the century mark. Megan Molinaro, who teams up with fellow Missionites Sheila Armstrong and Albert Muniz in a territory that includes Laredo, says executing a smart Interface strategy was critical from the start. “ The one thing that has really been a game changer for us is targeted office interfaces.
As a POD we have completed more than 40 interfaces (In office, out of office, MChats, webinars) this year. This has allowed us to have a KOL influence our customers, as well as increase our footprint with our top potential customers. Post program follow up is key, and more than ever we are holding our customers accountable, “ said Megan. McAllen, which averaged a whopping 136 Rybelsus the last 4 weeks of POA1B, took a divide and conquer approach to their business.
“ We know our brand works. Five is a decent trial. Thirteen (Trxs) averages 1 per week per POA. Magnify call activity with your targets and remain busy in these offices. Leverage stronger existing relationships and don’t try to force new reps with old relationships. There’s plenty of targets for everyone. Stay active and return weekly, “ T.A said. Monique concurs. “Recognize each other’s strengths and don’t be afraid to play on those strengths with the end in mind - to win!”

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