Page 102 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 102

“HO-Series” Carburetors                           Needle And Seat Assemblies
           Professionally-prepared “HO-Series”                Special, Viton tipped assemblies, in .110"
          carburetors, geared to perfor-                    and .125" sizes, are designed for gasoline,
          mance street or bracket racing,                   while high flow, .150" stainless steel as-
          deliver crisp throttle response and               sembly is engineered for alcohol use.
          exceptional acceleration. Specially-                Part No.               Description
          calibrated carbs include milled choke               AED5110    0.110" Viton Needle And Seat Assemblies, Gasoline, Pair
          housings, fully CNC-machined main bodies,           AED5115   0.125" Viton Needle And Seat Assemblies, Gasoline, Each
          high flow boosters and metering blocks, four corner   AED5117            0.150" Stainless Steel
          idle, dual accelerator pumps, replaceable idle air bleeds, new   AED5120  Needle And Seat Assemblies, Alcohol, Each
                                                                            Hardware Kit For Needle And Seats, 2 Pair
          aluminum bowls with large sight windows and non-stick gaskets.   AED5123  Reusable Needle And Seat Gaskets, Four Pair
          Ultra carbs include the addition of the aluminum Ultra body.
               Part No.    Description                      Power Valves
             AED650HO-BK    650 CFM
             AEDU650HO-BK  650 CFM Ultra                      The highest quality power valves available for
             AED750HO-BK    750 CFM                         Holley carburetors. All power valves listed are high
            AED750HPHO-BK  750 CFM HP                       flow and available in several vacuum ratings. Power
             AED850HO-BK    850 CFM                         valves for use with alcohol are also available.
             AED950HO-BK    950 CFM
                                                                  Vacuum            Gas            Alcohol
                                                                   Rating          Part No.        Part No.
          “HO-Modified” Series Carburetors                          2.5"            AED5025        AED5025A
           The “HO-Modified” includes all of the                    3.5"            AED5035          —
          great features of the “HO-Series” with                   4.5"            AED5045          —
          the addition of full CNC-porting and                     6.5"            AED5065        AED5065A
          polishing of the main body, and special                  8.5"            AED5085          —
          machined boosters, which result in in-
          creased air flow and horsepower with-              Power Valve Block-Off Plug
          out sacrificing driveability or throttle
          response. Carbs listed include black              AED5086
          anodized metering blocks.                           Blocks power valve circuit. Jet size should
                                                            be increased by 6-8 to compensate for the
               Part No.               Description
             AED750HOM-BK           750 CFM Carburetor      loss of enrichment.
             AED850HOM-BK           850 CFM Carburetor
             AED950HOM-BK           950 CFM Carburetor
             AED1050HOM-BK          1050 CFM Carburetor     Float Bowls
                                                              Replacement Float Bowls and screws
          Carburetor Kits                                   are offered for Holley center pivot design
           AED Carburetor Kits, available in two versions,   carburetors.
          are ideal for rebuilding Holley 4150, 4160 and      Part No.          Description
          4500 series carburetors. Ultimate Performance       AED5200    Float Bowl Screw Set, 4150 Carburetor
                                                                           Primary Center Pivot Float Bowl
          Kits include all float bowl, metering block and      AED5365  Secondary Center Pivot Float Bowl, Double Pumper
          misc. gaskets, accelerator pump diaphragms,
          needle and seat assemblies and small parts        Custom Floats
          to rebuild carburetor. Pro-Series Kits contain all Performance Kit   Stock replacement floats are engineered
          parts plus new bowl and carb screws and other small compo-  for Holley-style carburetors using center-
          nents to make carburetor run and look like new.
                                                            hung float bowls.
                                          Ultimate    Pro-Series
                     Application        Performance Kit  Kit  Part No.               Description
              Holley 390-950 CFM Double Pumper  AED4150  AED41501  AED5360   Nitrophyl Replacement Float, Center Pivot
            Holley 390-950 CFM Double Pumper, Alcohol  AED4150A  —  AED5361   Brass Replacement Float, Center Pivot
              Holley 600-950 CFM Vac. Secondary  AED4160  AED41601
              Holley 750-1250 CFM 4500 Dominator  AED4500  —
                                                            Reusable Bowl Screw Washers
          Bowl And Metering Block                           AED5410
          Gaskets                                             Reusable white nylon washers will not
           Replacement Holley gaskets are available         absorb fuel or separate. 18 per package.
          in standard and red, reusable non-stick
          designs, to simplify jet changes.
            Part No.               Description              See-Through Bowl Sight Plugs
            AED5829   Standard Metering Block Gaskets (Holley 108-29), 10 pk.
            AED5833     Standard Fuel Bowl Gaskets (Holley 108-33), 10 pk.  AED5170
            AED5840      Reusable Metering Block Gaskets (5829), 5 pk.  Clear acrylic plugs allow easy float level
           AED5840XX  Reusable Metering Block Gaskets (5829), 100-Pack NEW!  adjustments. Sold per pair.
            AED5846  Reusable Metering Block Gaskets (4500 Dominator HP), 5 pk.
            AED5847     Reusable Fuel Bowl Gaskets (4500 Dominator), 5 pk.
            AED5892         Reusable Jet Change Gasket Kit, 4150

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