Page 105 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 105

Non-Adjustable And Double Adjustable Struts        Eliminator Twin-Tube Adjustable
                 For Mustang                                        Drag Racing Shock Absorbers
                  Equally at home on the street or drag strip, AFCO Struts   Shocks are especially built for drag racing and are avail-
                 use a coil-over design that provides precise ride height   able in single adjustable (rebound) and double adjustable
                 adjustment for the desired stance. Struts include fully   (rebound and compression) versions. Coil-over, bear-
                 optimized damping curves for improved weight trans-  ing mount shocks have precise, “click” settings for easy,
                 fer and handling characteristics. Sold each, struts are   repeatable adjustments. Sold individually with coil-over kit.
                 offered in non-adjustable or double adjustable versions.   Springs are not included.
                 Double adjustable struts offer completely independent            Comp.  Ext.  Suggested  Installed
                 adjustments for compression and rebound. Struts are   Part No.  Stroke  Length  Length Spring Height  Height
                 sold individually with coil-over kit. Coil-over springs must   Single Adjustable Shock Absorbers
                 be purchased separately.                            AFC3875  7"  13.50"  20.50"  14"  15"-18"
                                                                    Double Adjustable Shock Absorbers
                  Part No.            Description                    AFC3840  4"  10.25"  14.25"  7"-8"  11"-12"
                  AFC30022  1979-04 Mustang Non-Adjustable Strut Assembly  AFC3850  5"  11.50"  16.50"  10"-12"  13"-14"
                  AFC30030  1979-04 Mustang Double Adjustable Strut Assembly  AFC3870  7"  13.50"  20.50"  14"  15"-18"
                 Accessory Components
                  AFC29022       1979-04 Mustang Coil-Over Kit      Eliminator Stock Mount Double Adjustable
                  AFC40022    1979-89 Mustang Caster/Camber Plates  Drag Racing Shock Absorbers
                                                                     Infinitely adjustable, aluminum-bodied shocks offer lower
                 "Big Gun" Twin Tube Series                         internal friction, positive shock adjustment detents, improved
                 Drag Racing Rear Shock Absorbers                   linear valving and damping control. Eliminator shocks have
                                                                    separate settings for rebound and compression. Sold individually,
                  Specifically valved for the rear of high horsepower ap-  shocks are designed for stock mounting. Coil-over kit (AFC20124)
                 plications, twin tube coil-over shocks are ideal for small   included where applicable. Springs not included.
                 or big tire cars that require a shock to control the “hit” to       Comp.  Ext.
                 the tire upon launch. Double adjustable, aluminum bodied   Part No.  Stroke Length Length  Application(s)
                 shocks are well suited to Outlaw 10.5, Top Sportsman, Top   Front Shock Absorbers
                 Dragster, Super Quick, etc. Sold individually with coil-over                  1967-81 GM F-Body;
                 kit. Springs are not included.                                                1964-72 GM A-Body;
                                                                      AFC3840F   4"  10.25" 14.25"  1968-79 GM X-Body;
                               Comp.  Ext.  Suggested  Suggested
                   Part No.  Stroke Length  Length Spring Height  Ride Height                   1982-96 GM S-10;
                  AFC3850BG  5"  11.90"  16.90"  10"-12"  13.75"-14.75"                        1972-80 Vega/Monza
                  AFC3860BG  6"  13.00"  18.92"  12”-14"  14.75"-16.75"                           GM F-Body;
                  AFC3870BG  7"  13.90"  20.90"  14"  15.50"-18.50"                               1964-88 GM
                                                                     AFC3840F/BNC†  4"  10.25" 14.25"
                 Reactor Gas Series                                                                1968-79
                                                                                                  GM X-Body;
                 Drag Racing Shock Absorber AFC6845F                                            1982-96 GM S-10;
                  Single adjustable shocks are the economical                                  1972-80 Vega/Monza
                 alternative to fully double adjustable units. Designed for   Rear Shock Absorber
                 the weekly bracket racer, gas mono-tube shocks allow                          1967-69 GM F-Body;
                 adjusting rebound without affecting the compression                           1982-02 GM F-Body;
                                                                                               1974-79 GM X-Body;
                 damping. Coil-over shocks, which fit the front of all   AFC3870R  7"  13.50" 20.50"  1979-93
                 1967-81 GM F-body (Camaro/Firebird) and 1964-88                                 Ford Mustang;
                 GM A/G-body (Chevelle/Malibu/Skylark/Regal/Lemans/                            1979-86 Merc. Capri;
                 Cutlass), are sold with coil-over kit where applicable.                       1967-79 Ford T-Bird
                 Springs must be purchased separately.              † Shocks include BNC valving to better absorb impact after a wheel stand
                                  Comp.   Ext.
                   Part No.  Stroke  Length  Length  Applications
                 Front Shock Absorber                               Coil-Over Kits
                                                  1967-81 GM F-Body;   Use with AFCO Big Gun, Reactor
                  AFC6845F* †  4"  10.20"  14.20"
                                                  1964-88 GM A/G-Body  or Eliminator shock absorbers
                 * May be used as a coil-over shock with AFC20135D coil-over kit.  and coil-over springs. Complete
                 † Front shocks include BNC valving to better absorb impact after a wheel   with aluminum spring seat, ad-
                 stand launch.                                      juster nut and snap ring. Kits are for
                                                                    use with shocks built after 3/1/03
                 Coil-Over Adjuster Nut                             or using new style rod ends.
                                                                        Part No.      Description
                 Bearing Kit AFC20144                                  AFC20135   Coil Over Kit, Tapered Cone
                  Installs between the lower spring                    AFC20135D   Coil-Over Kit, Flat Cone
                 seat and the bottom of the spring for
                 easier ride height adjustments. Sold in pairs.     Spanner Wrench AFC20110
                                                                     Relax the spring pressure and use the wrench
                                                                    to adjust coil-over nuts. Fits all brands of shocks.

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