Page 107 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 107
Aluminum Dragster Radiator Fan And Shroud Kit
AFC80108N AFC80104NFAN
Aluminum, double-pass Designed spe-
radiator is designed for road- cifically for AFCO
sters or dragsters and is 17" aluminum drag ra-
tall x 21" wide with inlet and diators (AFC80104N,
outlet on the left hand side AFC80105N and
and no filler neck. Furnace AFC80107N), fan and
brazed core has 16 fins per shroud kit includes
inch, includes a high effi- a custom fabricated,
ciency electric fan and shroud aluminum shroud
combination. and 12" dia., “S”-
blade electric fan capable of
1,155 CFM at 7.7 Amps.
Aluminum Drag Race Radiators
AFCO offers three versions of “Scirocco-style” aluminum
double-pass radiators for maximum cooling protection in most
doorslammers. Furnace brazed with no epoxy for maximum
reliability. Unit without filler neck is ideal for applications where
a filler neck is mounted on the intake manifold. Radiators listed
weigh just 9 lbs.
Part No. Description
AFC80104N RH Inlet/Outlet, 21" Wide x 13" Tall
AFC80105N LH Inlet/Outlet, 21" Wide x 13" Tall
AFC80107N RH Inlet/Outlet, 21" Wide x 13" Tall, No Filler Neck
Pro Stock
Forever Electronics Switch Panels Control Modules
Unique, flat touch switch Compact, easy mounting pan-
panels use no electronics, els have 20 Amp switches and
eliminating the possibility of 30 Amp fuse holders. Standard
EMI or RFI interference and modules include switches for
utilize components that are ignition, starter, two fuel pumps,
rated up to 1 billion cycles cooling and lights. Modules with
of operation. Switch panel nitrous system functions include
units are just 3/4" deep, switches for arm, pump and purge.
enabling easy in-dash or Part No. Description
overhead mounting. Internal ARC3100 In-Dash Control Module
selector switches allow ARC3700 Overhead Control Module
changing any switch from traditional on/off to momentary if de- Related Components Overhead Control Module With Nitrous Functions
sired, while a master/ignition switch may be set to turn off none ARC3120 Wiring Harness For Pro Stock Control Modules
or any amount of switches at the same time that the ignition is ARC1440 High Current Relay Module
turned off. Included switch labels provide red backlighting when
off and green backlighting when switched on. Typical installation Pro Stock Wiring Harness ARC3120
time for an 8-switch unit is under 45 minutes.
This harness is to be used for an easy
Dash Mount Overhead Mount wiring option. The harness features 18
Description Part No. Part No.
Model 4000 4-Switch Panel, ARC4000D — feet of 14-gauge, color coded, 11
4-3/16" L. x 4" W. x 3/4" D. cable assemblies. Wire tied every 6
Model 8000 8-Switch Panel, inches for organized installation in
6" L. x 4" W. x 3/4" D. ARC8000D ARC8000R any car or dragster.
Model 12000 12-Switch Panel, ARC12000D ARC12000R
2-3/8" H. x 13-1/8" L. x 3/4" D.