Page 118 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 118

Gumout Jet Spray                                  Bar’s Leaks Radiator Stop Leak
          Carb + Choke Cleaner ATP800002231                   Radiator Stop Leak stops and seals cooling
           New, improved formula cleans carburetors, throttle   system leaks in radiators, heater cores, freeze
          bodies, fuel injectors and related components. Jet spray   plugs, etc. Works with all types of anti-freeze.
          aerosol delivers quick, effective cleaning. Sold in 13   Heavy duty version, Block Seal is engineered to
          ounce aerosol can.                                seal larger leaks.
                                                              Par t No.          Description
          WD-40 Smart Straw                                    ATP1109  Block Seal Intake & Radiator Stop Leak, 18 Oz.
                                                                              Radiator Stop Leak, 6 Oz.
           Protect and lubricate literally thou-               ATP1196       Radiator Stop Leak, 11 Oz.
          sands of items, preventing rust and
          corrosion. Smart Straw delivers a preci-
          sion stream with the straw flipped up,             Go-Jo Original Formula
          or regular spray action with the straw
          flipped down. Offered in 8 or 11 ounce             Hand Cleaner ATP1115
          aerosol cans.                                       Hand cleaner uses a rich formula that helps
                                                            remove the heaviest grease, grime and oil.
              Part No.    Description
             ATP110054    WD-40, 8 Oz.                      Soothing emollients treat dry, cracked hands.
             ATP110078    WD-40, 12 Oz.                     Sold in a large 4.5 lb. container.
                                                            Simple Green
          Sea Foam Motor Treatment ATPSF16                  All Purpose Cleaner ATP13002
           Suited to gasoline or diesel-powered applications,   Concentrated, all purpose cleaner is
          engine additive cleans the entire fuel system, liquify-  strong, non-toxic and biodegradeable.
          ing gum and varnish deposits, while also including   Clean wheels, tires, tools, plastic, alumi-
          the ability to lube upper cylinders and quiet noisy   num, vinyl, carpeting, upholstery, etc.
          lifters. Sold in a 16 ounce bottle.               Sold in 16 ounce spray bottle.

          Sta-Bil Fuel Stabilizer ATP1108                   Armor All Protectant
           Specialized additive prevents fuel de-             Restores new look to vinyl, rubber and plastic
          terioration. Ideal for generators, mopeds         parts, while guarding against dashboard cracking
          or golf carts that sit for extended periods,      and discoloration. Original Protectant is sold in 10,
          product protects fuel system during stor-         16, or 32 ounce bottles.
          age, keeping carburetors, fuel injectors            Part No.         Description
          and fuel lines clean. One 10 ounce bottle           ATP10010     Armor All Protectant, 10 Oz.
          treats 25 gallons of gasoline.                      ATP10160     Armor All Protectant, 16 Oz.
                                                              ATP10326     Armor All Protectant, 32 Oz.

          Power Service Diesel Kleen                        Westley’s Black Magic
          Cetane Boost                                      Bleche-White Tire Cleaner
           Specially-formulated diesel fuel additive helps
          clean injectors, while boosting power and fuel    ATP120066
          economy by up to 8%. Protects pumps and prevents    America’s number one selling tire
          injectors from sticking. Effective in all diesel fuels.  cleaner. Easy to use and fast acting,
                                                            Bleche-White blasts away brake
             Part No.        Description
             ATP3016     Diesel Kleen, 16 Oz. Bottle        dust, grease and grime, restoring
             ATP3025     Diesel Kleen, 32 Oz. Bottle        that “new” tire look. Sold in 32
             ATP3080     Diesel Kleen, 80 Oz. Bottle        ounce spray bottle.

          Rain-X ATPRX100UB                                 No Touch Tire Care ATPNT-15
           Original glass water repellent dramatically
          improves wet weather driving visibility, even in    Spray-on No Touch Tire Care delivers a rich satin
          the worst of conditions.  Simply apply to clean, dry   finish to tires without the need for wiping.  Repels dirt
          exterior glass. Sold in 3-1/2 ounce bottle.       and moisture. Sold in a 15 ounce aerosol can.

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