Page 190 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 190

Coil-Over Kit                                     Coil Over Thrust
          CCE5060                                           Bearings CCE1001
           Installing coil-overs is one                       Fits between the lower spring
          of the most effective ways                        seat and the bottom of the spring.
          to reduce unsprung weight                         Provides a roller bearing surface for easy ad just ment of ride
          in the suspension, while also                     height. Sold in pairs.
          adding the benefi ts of damp-
          ing and ride height adjust-                       Coil Over Spring Wrench CCE1000
          ability. Kit is sold complete
          with Strange Engineering coil-overs with springs, adjustable   Makes spring adjustment a snap and should be
          lower shock mount, upper shock crossmember, coil-over adjuster   in every racer’s toolbox.
          wrench and coil-over thrust bearings. Specify spring rate when
          ordering.                                         Adjustable
                                                            Lower Shock Mounts
          Economy Coil Spring And Shock Mounts                Mounts are extremely strong and take
           Coil spring mounts                               up very little room on the rear axle hous-
          pro vide the appearance                           ing. Up to 6" of ride height adjustment is
          and many of the same                              possible by removing only two bolts per
          ben e fi ts of true coil overs,                    side. Kit includes two housing brackets
          at a frac tion of the cost.                       (except CCE3721), four gold zinc plated
          Mounts accept standard                            “L” brackets, 1/2" bolts and nuts, align-
          12" x 2-1/2" ID coil over                         ment bushings, and instructions.
          springs and an original                             Part No.               Description
          equipment type shock can be mounted in side the spring. Ride   CCE3714  Lower Rear Shock Mounts
          height is ad just able up to 6", with 5" of sus pen sion travel. Ideal   CCE3720  Lower Rear Shock Mounts, Notched For Rectangular Back Brace
          for sportsman racers as well street rods and pro streeters.   CCE3721  Lower Rear Shock Mounts, Without Housing Brackets
          Com plete with upper mounts, ad just able low er mounts, shocks,
          springs, hard ware, and in struc tions. Specify spring rate when   Universal
                                                            Lower Shock Mount Kit
           Part No.               Description
           CCE5076         Rear Coil-Over Spring Kit With Springs  CCE3717
           CCE5076K       Rear Coil-Over Spring Kit Without Springs
                                                              Universal 3/16" mild steel mounts
                                                            have a 3" radius and fi t all popular
          Coil-Over Springs                                 rear end housings. Kit includes 1/2"
           An assortment of rear 2-1/2" ID coil-over springs are   bolt and nut, and align ment
          offered. Refer to the chart at the bottom of the column to   bush ings. Kit mounts two shocks.
          select the proper spring. Springs are sold individually.
              Part No.            Description               Upper Shock Crossmember CCE3716
             CCE3982-95    12" Tall Rear Spring, 95 Lbs. Rate
             CCE3982-110   12" Tall Rear Spring, 110 Lbs. Rate
             CCE3982-130   12" Tall Rear Spring, 130 Lbs. Rate
             CCE3982-150   12" Tall Rear Spring, 150 Lbs. Rate  Weld crossmember style mount installs between the top of the
                                                            frame rails to increase chassis rigidity and provide a
             CCE3982-170   12" Tall Rear Spring, 170 Lbs. Rate
                                                            secure upper mount for the shocks. Includes 1-3/8" x
             CCE3982-200   12" Tall Rear Spring, 200 Lbs. Rate
                                                            .095" x 40" crossmember, weld-on shock mount tabs,
                                                            1/2" bolts and nuts, and misalignment bush ings.
                                                            Shock Mounting Jig CCE3716-3
          Recommended Spring Rates                            Handy tool eases installation and assures proper
                 Front Shocks             Rear Shocks       operation of rear coil-over shocks. Installs in place of
            Koni, Aldan Eagle And Strange Struts   Koni And Aldan Eagle   shock to hold mounting brackets at the correct ride
                  (7" x 2.5" I.D.)        (12" x 2.5" I.D.)  height during installation.
          Spring Rate  Total Wt. On Front Wheels  Spring Rate  Total Wt. On Rear Wheels
             200      600-800 Lbs.    65      Under 800 Lbs.
             250      800-1000 Lbs.   80      800-1000 Lbs.  Rear Subframe
             275      1000-1100 Lbs.  95      1000-1100 Lbs.  Installation Video CCE9001
             300      1100-1200 Lbs.  110     1100-1200 Lbs.  Geared to the do-it-yourself enthusiast who
             350      1200-1500 Lbs.  130     1200-1300 Lbs.  wants the “Pro Street” look or wants big
             400      1500-1800 Lbs.  150     1500-1700 Lbs.  14" x 32" slicks under a race car. Illustrates
             450      1800-2000 Lbs.  170     1700-2300 Lbs.  necessary tools and step-by-step procedures
             500      2000-2300 Lbs.  200     2300-2600 Lbs.  involved to correctly install a rear subframe
             550      2300-2500 Lbs.  250     2600-2900 Lbs.  and/or suspension, right in the home garage.
             650     2600 Lbs. And Up  300    2900-3200 Lbs.

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