Page 215 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 215

Mustang Bumpsteer Adjuster Kits                    3-Way Adjustable Shocks
                  Kits are designed to correct                      And 90/10 Front Drag Struts
                 changes in toe-in (“bumpsteer”)                     Under sudden ac cel er a tion, the shocks/struts
                 that occur on 1979-2004 Mus-                       allow the chassis to separate quickly, transferring
                 tangs that have had the front                      weight and traction to the rear tires. They also
                 suspension lowered or raised              COE2409  provide re sis tance during compression,
                 from OEM. Kit replaces non-adjustable              extending the du ra tion of chassis separation
                 components with 6061-T6 billet aluminum            for max i mum weight transfer. Front shocks
                 adjuster tubes, 5/8" rod ends and required adjustment    are adjustable in ratios of 90/10, 80/20,
                 shims that bolt directly in place. Includes complete instructions.  and 60/40; rears are adjustable in ratios of
                  Part No.               Description                70/30, 60/40, and 50/50. Struts are not adjust-
                  COE2408        Bumpsteer Adjuster Kit, 1979-93 Mustang  able. For competition use only.
                  COE2409        Bumpsteer Adjuster Kit, 1994-04 Mustang
                 Note: Front end alignment and toe-in adjustment is required after installation.    Model  Front  Rear
                                                                          Apollo, Skylark, 1974-80  COE2600   —
                                                                        Apollo, Skylark, Exc. H.D. 1973
                 Front End Travel Limiters                              Apollo, Skylark, With H.D. 1973  COE2600  COE2720
                  Fine tune suspension travel                               Skylark, 1968-79     COE2600    COE2720
                 to improve reaction and 60 ft.                              Regal, 1973-87      COE2600    COE2720
                 times, while controlling height of                 Chevrolet
                 wheelstands. Available in cable                            Camaro, 1982-02        —        COE2700
                 and bolt-on versions. Cable style has a 7-position adjuster and is   Camaro, 1970-81  COE2610  COE2710
                                                                            Camaro, 1967-69
                 compatible with A-arm or strut front suspensions. Bolt-on limiter   Chevelle, Malibu, El Camino, 1968-83  COE2600  COE2720
                 replaces the stock rubber upper A-arm snubber and threads   Chevelle, Malibu, El Camino, 1964-67  COE2610  COE2720
                 through the stock opening for a great degree of adjustability.  Chevy II, Nova, 1974-79  COE2600  —
                                                                      Chevy II, Nova, 1968-72, Rear Multi-Leaf  COE2600  COE2720
                  Part No.               Description
                  COE2025          Front End Travel Limiter, Cable Style  Chevy II, Nova, 1962-67, Rear Multi-Leaf  COE2605  COE2705
                                                                            Corvette, 1963-82
                  COE2026           Front End Travel Limiter, Bolt-On
                                                                           Monte Carlo, 1970-88  COE2600    COE2720
                                                                        S-10 And Blazer 2 WD, 1982-04  COE2600  COE2720
                 Engine Limiter Kits                                        Pickup, 1973-87      COE2615      —
                  Welds diagonally between the en-                          Pickup, 1988-07      COE2616      —
                 gine and chassis to prevent drivetrain     COE4010  Dodge  Challenger, 1970-74  COE2620    COE2730
                 movement during launch or braking.                      Charger, Coronet, 1965-72  COE2620  COE2730
                 Universal and Mustang versions are offered. Welding required.  Dart, Demon, 1960-76  COE2620  COE2735
                  Part No.               Description                Ford
                  COE4010         1979-93 Mustang Engine Torque Link        Full Size, 1965-86   COE2610    COE2700
                  COE4034            Universal Engine Limiter Kit           Maverick, 1970-77    COE2630      —
                                                                            Mustang, 1979-04     COE2806*   COE2750
                                                                           Mustang II, 1974-78   COE2639      —
                 Front Motor Plates                                         Mustang, 1971-73     COE2640    COE2740
                  Motor plates securely mount the                           Mustang, 1965-70     COE2630    COE2740
                                                                             Pinto, 1974-78
                 engine in the chassis, preventing                         Thunderbird, 1967-79  COE2639    COE2700
                 the twisting forces of high horse-         COE4001    Torino, Elite, LTD, Fairlane, 1972-79  COE2610  COE2700
                 power, high torque engines. Made                      Torino, Elite, LTD, Fairlane, 1965-71  COE2640  COE2740
                 from 1/4" thick 6061-T6 aluminum.                          Ranger, 1983-89      COE2645      —
                  Part No.               Description
                  COE4001                SB Ford, 1-Pc.                     Cougar, 1980-82      COE2806*   COE2750
                  COE4002             BB Ford 429-460, 1-Pc.                Cougar, 1974-79      COE2610    COE2700
                  COE4004               SB Chevy, 1-Pc.                     Cougar, 1971-73      COE2640    COE2740
                  COE4005               BB Chevy, 1-Pc.                     Cougar, 1967-70      COE2630    COE2740
                  COE4006               SB Chevy, 2-Pc.             Oldsmobile                   COE2600  COE2700/2720
                                                                          Cutlass, F-85, 1968-87
                  COE4007               BB Chevy, 2-Pc.
                  COE4009               BB Chrysler, 1-Pc.          Plymouth
                                                                           Barracuda, 1964-74    COE2620    COE2730
                                                                         Belvedere, Satellite, 1965-72  COE2620  COE2730
                 Mid-Mount Plates                                            GTX, 1967-70        COE2620    COE2730
                  Plates work with a front motor plate to                  Road Runner, 1968-75  COE2620    COE2730
                 effectively eliminate engine twist-  COE4031       Pontiac  Valiant, Duster, 1964-76  COE2620  COE2735
                 ing and securely mount engine and                          Firebird, 1982-02      —        COE2700
                 transmission.                                              Firebird, 1970-81    COE2610    COE2710
                  Part No.               Description                        Firebird, 1967-69    COE2600    COE2700
                  COE4030        Chevrolet Aluminum Mid-Plate, .188" Thick  Grand Am, 1973-81    COE2600    COE2700
                  COE4031         Chevrolet Steel Mid-Plate, .090" Thick   Grand Prix, 1969-87   COE2600    COE2720
                  COE4035       SB Ford 289-351W Steel Mid-Plate, .090" Thick  Tempest, LeMans, GTO, 1967-73  COE2600  COE2720
                  COE4036      BB Chrysler 383-448 Steel Mid-Plate, .090" Thick  Ventura, 1973, With H.D. Suspension  COE2600  COE2720
                  COE4037  BB Ford 429-460, 351C, 351M-400 Steel Mid-Plate, .090" Thick  Ventura, 1971-72, Rear Multi-Leaf  COE2600  COE2720
                  COE4032             Mid-Mount Installation Kit    * Front drag strut assyembly
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