Page 239 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 239

                 SB Chevy             Via Truck                     SB Chevy Iron Eagle
                 SHP Engine Blocks     Fright                       Engine Blocks
                  All new “SHP” (Special                             Affordable iron blocks
                 High Performance) cast                             have many advantages
                 iron blocks are affordable,                        over production small block
                 durable and precisely                              Chevy. The cam location
                 machined. Capable of                               has been raised and the
                 handling up to 600 horse-                          oil pan rails are spread to               Shipped
                 power, heavy duty blocks                           accommodate a stroker                     Via Truck
                 have 5/8" thick decks,                             crank. Available in standard
                 .230" minimum wall thickness                       (9.025") or tall deck (9.325") versions with 350 or 400 main siz-
                 cylinder walls, stock 9.025" deck height, ductile iron main caps   ing. Finish machined to exact tolerances , saving the expense of
                 and full compatibility with most standard OEM components. Of-  blueprinting.
                 fered in 4.000" or 4.125" cylinder bore versions.       Part No.  Description  Deck Ht.  Cyl. Bore  Main Dia.
                   Part No.  Description  Deck Ht.  Cyl. Bore  Main Dia.  Main Caps  DRT31122211  Iron Eagle  9.025"  4.125"  2.65"
                  DRT31161111  SB Chevy  9.025"  4.000"  2.450"  Ductile Iron  DRT31122222*  Iron Eagle  9.325"  4.125"  2.65"
                  DRT31161211  SB Chevy  9.025"  4.125"  2.450"  Ductile Iron  * Includes BB Chevy cam bearing sizing.
                  DRT31162211  SB Chevy   9.025"  4.125"  2.650"  Ductile Iron
                                                                    SHP LS Next Cast Iron Engine Blocks
                 SB Chevy                                 Shipped    Affordable cast
                 SHP Pro Engine Blocks                    Via Truck  iron SHP blocks are
                  All of the features of the                        the ideal basis for
                 original “SHP”, the “SHP                           a bracket or street/
                 Pro” includes the addi-                            strip engine. Blocks
                 tion of billet main caps,                          combine siamesed
                 big block cam bore and                             cylinder bores with
                 larger, .904" lifter bores                         thick walls, priority
                 for increased high RPM durability.                 main oiling system
                 Precision machined, cast iron blocks ad-           with provisions for
                 ditionally include extra thick decks, priority     stock oil fi lter mount-
                 main oiling, siamese bores, 350 main journal sizing,   ing, scalloped water
                 clearance for 3.750" stroke with steel rods, and ARP main studs.   jackets for improved cooling and thick decks for better head
                 Offered in 4.000" or 4.125" cylinder bore versions.  gasket sealing. Blocks additionally are compatible with OEM front
                                                                    and rear covers, and include OEM mounting provisions for starter,
                   Part No.  Description  Deck Ht.  Cyl. Bore  Main Dia.
                  DRT31161112  SB Chevy  9.025"  4.000"   2.450"    water pump, etc.
                  DRT31161212  SB Chevy   9.025"  4.125"  2.450"        Part No.  Description  Deck Ht.  Cyl. Bore  Main Caps
                                                                      DRT31867111  Iron Block  9.240”  4.000”  Steel
                 SB Chevy                                             DRT31867211  Iron Block  9.240”  4.125”  Steel
                 “Little M” Cast Iron Engine Blocks                 LS Next Cast Iron Or Aluminum Engine Blocks
                  An affordable alternative
                                                                     Fully redesigned blocks
                 to searching for used                              combine the benefi ts of
                 small block Chevy                                  improved lubrication,
                 four-bolt blocks.                                  increased durabil-
                 Blocks are an ideal                                ity and added
                 base for a sound,                                  versatility. Offered in
                 powerful engine                                    aluminum or cast iron,
                 and are compatible                                 blocks use conventional,
                 with standard com-                       Via Truck  4-bolt main caps and
                 ponents. Blocks have                      Fright   oil pans, while eliminating              Via Truck
                 billet steel or ductile iron four-bolt main caps, extra   the problems associated with the   Fright
                 thick cylinder walls, standard cam location, extra thick decks, and   separated crankcase bays. Redesign provides signifi -
                 350 or 400 main sizing.
                                                                    cantly stronger main webs, while allowing the cylinder barrels to
                   Part No.  Description  Deck Ht. Cyl. Bore Main Dia. Main Caps  be extended .375" into the crankcase for added piston support.
                  DRT31131111  “Little M”  9.025"  4.000"  2.45"  Steel
                  DRT31131211  “Little M”  9.025"  4.125"  2.45"  Steel  Blocks are fully compatible with all stock and aftermarket LS
                  DRT31132211  “Little M”  9.025"  4.125"  2.65"  Steel  components, and the stock oil pan may be used with Moroso oil
                  DRT31151111 “Little M Sportsman”  9.025"  4.000"  2.45"  Ductile  pan spacers.
                  DRT31151211 “Little M Sportsman”  9.025"  4.125"  2.45"  Ductile  Part No.  Description  Deck Ht.  Cyl. Bore  Main Caps
                  DRT31152211 “Little M Sportsman”  9.025"  4.125"  2.65"  Ductile  DRT31837111  Iron Block  9.240"  4.000"  Steel
                                                                      DRT31837211  Iron Block  9.240"  4.125"  Steel
                                                                      DRT31937111  Alum. Block  9.240"  4.000"  Steel
                                                                      DRT31937112*  Alum. Block  9.240"  4.000"  Steel
                                                                      DRT31937211  Alum. Block  9.240"  4.125"  Steel
                                                                      DRT31937212*  Alum. Block  9.240"  4.125"  Steel
                                                                    *  .391" raised cam location.

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