Page 241 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 241
CD-1 Capacitive Discharge Ignition System WEGO Wide-Band Air/Fuel Ratio
A complete capacitive discharge Meters With Display And Data Logging
ignition system that offers 135 mil- Wide band air/fuel ratio meters provide a versatile tuning aid
lijoules of spark energy output with for carbureted or fuel injected engines, incorporating an ultra-
the ability to digitally set launch, bright, blue LED display for superior readability coupled with the
burnout and maximum RPM limits added bonus of data logging capability. Ideal for on-track or dyno
with 100 RPM steps from 3,000- testing, WEGO meters are highly accurate with less than +/-0.10
9,900 RPM. Ignition includes PC programmable advance feature AFR error over 10.3-19.5 AFR range. Offered in single or dual
that allows an RPM-based advance curve or a 3D timing map with channel display versions, each are sold complete with WEGO unit,
boost proportional retard. Data logging capability is provided (un- Bosch LSU 4.2 5-wire wide band oxygen sensor(s) with exten-
less noted) with a 16Mbit DataFlash memory, while a single input sion cable(s), 18 x 1.5mm weld nut(s) for mounting sensor(s) to
and two general purpose outputs allow high gear retard, burnout exhaust and CDROM software.
RPM limit, vehicle speed and throttle position sensors.
Part No. Description
Part No. Description Single Channel WEGO III Wide-Band AFR Kit, With Display
CD-1 Ignition System, Includes Ignition, Coil, USB Interface And DAY112002 And Data Logging
Wiring Harness Dual Channel WEGO III Wide-Band AFR Kit, With Dual Display
CD-1 Sportsman Ignition System, Includes Ignition, Coil, USB DAY112005 And Data Logging
Interface And Wiring Harness Dual Channel WEGO IV Wide-Band AFR Kit, With Dual Display
System Accessories DAY113001 And Data Logging
DAY102004 USB Interface, Required For Data Logging And Custom Programming Single Channel WEGO IV Wide-Band AFR Kit, With Display
DAY102005 RTD-1 Retard Control DAY114001 And Data Logging
DAY102006 MAP Sensor Harness Kit
DAY102007 Power Filter Capacitor Kit WEGO Wide-Band
DAY115011 1-Bar MAP Sensor, Normally-Aspirated Applications
DAY115012 2-Bar MAP Sensor, Turbo/Supercharged Applications Air/Fuel Ratio Interface DAY111004
DAY115013 3-Bar MAP Sensor, Turbo/Supercharged Applications WEGO Wide-Band Air/Fuel Ratio Interface in-
* Sportsman ignition does not include data logging capability. cludes dual channel 0-5V analog AFR outputs
SmartSpark LS Ignition Module DAY119001 that may be interfaced with dyno instrumenta-
tion, vehicle data acquisition systems and engine controls. Unit is
Designed for GM LS engines highly accurate with less than +/-0.10 AFR error over 10.3-19.5
(LS1/LS2/LS6/LS7) with 24- or AFR range. Sold complete with WEGO IIID unit, (2) Bosch LSU4.2
58-tooth crank triggers that have 5-wire wide band oxygen sensors and (2) 18 x 1.5mm weld nuts.
been converted to carburetion, the WEGO Accessories And Replacement Components
SmartSpark LS Ignition Module is Part No. Description
preprogrammed with advance tables DAY115001 Wide-Band Oxygen Sensor, Bosch LSU 4.2
suited to a wide range of high perfor- DAY115002 18 x 1.5 mm Hex Socket Plug, Allows Removing Oxygen Sensor
mance applications. USB interface and PC link DAY115003 18 x 1.5 mm Weld Nut, Allows Installing Oxygen Sensor Into Exhaust
allows programming custom advance curves based on RPM and DAY115007 18 x 1.5 mm Stainless Steel Weld Nut, Allows Installing Oxygen
manifold absolute pressure, if desired. Unit allows digitally setting Sensor Into Exhaust
launch, burnout and maximum RPM limits in 100 RPM steps from DAY115008 18 x 1.5 mm Stainless Steel Hex Socket Plug, Allows Removing
3,000-9,900 RPM. Module includes three general purpose input Oxygen Sensor
terminals that may be used for RPM limits and multiple retard TC-1 Turbo Controller And Vehicle Data Logger
functions. Specific wiring harness must be purchased separately.
Versatile turbo control system may be used
Part No. Description with a wide variety of turbocharged applications
Wiring Harnesses that are operated in open or closed loop modes.
DAY119002 LS1/LS6 Remote Mount Wiring Harness
DAY119003 LS1/LS6 Manifold Mount Wiring Harness Controller, which is compatible with most boost
DAY119004 LS Adapter Harness For MSD6010 Or MSD6012 Upgrade control solenoid valves, features programmable
DAY119005 LS2/LS7 Remote Mount Wiring Harness duty cycle or boost curves based on RPM that may be viewed on
DAY119006 LS2/LS7 Manifold Mount Wiring Harness the bright, transflective LCD display. Built-in data logging capabil-
System Accessories ity allows logging boost (MAP), RPM, vehicle speed, throttle posi-
DAY102004 USB Interface, Includes 6’ USB Cable And CDROM
DAY102005 RTD-1 Retard Control tion, solenoid duty cycle, battery volts and (2) 0-5V analog inputs.
DAY119007 Ignition Kit With Module And Interface Unit is sold complete with USB cable and CDROM software.
DAY119008 1-Bar MAP Sensor, Delphi Gen3 Style For SmartSpark Part No. Description
DAY119100 Ignition Coil For GM LS2/LS3/LS7, Each DAY118001 TC-1 Turbo Controller And Vehicle Data Logger
DAY119100-8 Ignition Coils For GM LS2/LS3/LS7, 8-Pack DAY118002 Boost Control Solenoid Valve, For Use With TC-1
SL-1 Programmable Shift Light NC-2 Progressive Nitrous Controller
And Data Logger DAY117001 And Vehicle Data Logger DAY116002
Perform timely, accurate shifts with the The NC-2 can operate two nitrous stages
aid of the SL-1, which utilizes a bright, with progressive control, using pulse widths to
user selectable red/green/blue LED modulate the solenoid valves and control the flow rate. Controller
display that may be panel mounted or allows matching nitrous system power output to vehicle require-
attached directly to a tach with the included bracket. Launch RPM ments, while independently controlling fuel and nitrous oxide
and up to five shift RPM levels may be used to allow use with up flow for optimal air/fuel ratio. Built-in data logging features allow
to six-speed transmissions. Fully compatible with most distributor logging throttle position, RPM, vehicle speed, input and output
or distributorless ignition systems. status, and (2) 0-5 volt analog inputs. Sold complete with USB
cable and Powerful Windows software.